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Everything posted by MrByte

  1. It's been working fine for me, but I've got some extruder issues more related to filament grip than anything. I'm going to try machining some alternatives to the knurled bolt and play around with them attached to belt-driven extruder. I'll try and keep you updated on how that progresses.
  2. Thanks, that really helps explain things. I'm definitely interested in this though (I've been following your progress for a while now) and would love to give it a try. I really want to be able to effectively print XT CF-20.
  3. Although, any particular reason for using a different stepper motor than the stock motor?
  4. That looks fantastic. Any plans to perhaps manufacture and sell the gears for such a feeder?
  5. Sorry I haven't shared any photos, but here's mine: I'm going to be tweaking the mount I designed for the spool holder some more as it slumps slightly down right now. I'll get more pictures, soon.
  6. I'm using Simplify3d as my slicer, so I'd love to know whatever settings people who successfully print with this stuff are using. Perhaps even share the FFF profile, if possible.
  7. I'm having effectively all the same issues trying to print with the CF20 using a stainless nozzle. I had one print come out quite nice looking, but the layer adhesion towards the bottom wasn't great and I wound up breaking the bottom off while removing it from the build platform. The rest of the print was absolutely great looking and had no layer adhesion issues. Since that print... I've been failing to get any adhesion to the build plate.
  8. Since I don't have a lathe, I wound up putting the pin in a power drill and using some sand paper to get the pin down to size so that there was a snug enough fit with the bearings and the pulley.
  9. I've been using both the I2K Insulator and the Duptef couplers with an Olsson block for a few months now. My experience so far has been positive. I've printed quite a bit of Colorfabb XT at 250C and haven't lost any performance when printing other materials like PLA or PLA/PHA. I don't know what the I2K insulator is made from, but it seems effective at keeping the coupler from warping. I haven't noticed any impact on the quality of the prints. Quality seems just as good now as when my printer was new out of the box.
  10. Biggest problem I ran into is that I use @IRobertI's feeder design in conjunction with his low friction spool holder design. The casing for the new extruder pushes the feeder out just far enough that the screw prevents a spool from being mounted on the low friction spool holder. I'm temporarily using the stock spool holder while working on a mount design for the low friction spool holder that mounts the spool holder using the unused NEMA hole pattern on the opposite end of the machine. Making a few final tweaks to that design and once it is mounted and working, I'll post the STLs here for others to use, if they wish.
  11. Setting the steps/mm through g-code appears to work as expected. Did an extrusion test and got decent results (I've never been able to go above 6 mm^/s without a total print failure, but this went all the way to 10 mm^3/s, but with noticeable under-extrusion issues starting halfway through 7 mm^3/s), but I'm going to do some more fine tuning on this. I don't think I got the belt lined up perfectly.
  12. I found what I need to modify, but having issues getting even the unmodified source to compile right now. So I'll probably try your suggestion with the g-code.
  13. Okay, couple of questions from me, since I've never modified the firmware before: 1) If I compile the source from https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin without alterations, this will compile a default UM2 firmware, correct? 2) Assuming no other alterations required from above, what settings do I actually modify to change the step rate for the extruder?
  14. My parts came in today. Started putting this together. I'll provide an update when I've got everything assembled and the firmware tweaked.
  15. This looks really interesting. I've ordered the parts and I'm going to give this a try.
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