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Posts posted by kpk

  1. We tried printing Nylon in ultimaker , we are gald to inform that we successfully printing Nylon on Ultimaker, but one issue we are facing is that 3D object printed from Nylon warps such a way that it looses its asthetics.

    We have tried using Kapton tape but kapton tape itself comes out with the object while it is warping.

    Can anyone suggest that how we can avoid warping of Nylon in Ultimaker.

    Any tips and techniques would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  2. @SandervG

    The temperature sensor error is solved right now.

    When i started the machine , and clicked on home position it went to home position and started vibrating and parallely i got error on the screen that X or Y axes stuck.

    I am not getting how to resolve this , as you already said is there any disturbance due to transportation, but according to me there is no such misalignment but it vibrates and makes loud sound like something is grinding inside.

  3. I have leveled the build plate,

    i have applied glue to the plate.

    But then also there is no proper printing , the object is moving away from the build surface kindly provide me a solution for this, i have read all previous blogs and posts did not help out.

    kindly tell me is there any software setting that need to be done, please provide details in image format, it would be great.

    thank you

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