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Everything posted by bondtech

  1. Hi @bob-hepple, I modified the v.16.01 version and that is the one that is available for download here: http://www.bondtech.se/download/669/ For Ultimaker 2 Extended here: http://www.bondtech.se/download/667/
  2. Hi @bob-hepple, nice to hear that you are interested in my extruder! I will go on a business trip during next week and I would recommend you place your order latest on sunday in order for me to send it before my trip. I will be visiting the MidWestReprap Festival in Goshen, USA. I am also available for any guidance and help, you will also recieve an installation manual once you have purchased. With best regards Martin
  3. Hi guys! @eldrick Actually I have already made an small E-step setting file, just two lines of Gcode in order to set the correct E-step and to save the value to the controller. You can download the small g-code program here: http://www.bondtech.se/download/657/ Place it on the SD card and select PRINT and select the program " Bondtech-Estep"
  4. No oil in the bowden tube, and you are correct, retracts will create more challanges but there are more tests coming.
  5. Hi guys, I have been testing NinjaFlex filament in my Ultimaker2, it works really good with the Bondtech QR.
  6. I have now started to test printing with flexible materials on the Ultimaker 2. It works very reliable now at 60 mm/s, 0.20 mm layerheight, 0.4 mm nozzle, 240C nozzle temp. The original feeder is replaced by the Bondtech QR Extruder that have very high feeding force and very low filament deformation. Watch the video for more information.
  7. @NBroenner I have also adjusted the feeding speed for doing a material change in the file UltiLCD2_menu_material.h #define FILAMENT_REVERSAL_SPEED 50 #define FILAMENT_INSERT_FAST_SPEED 50 //Speed during the forward length The value was 100 before.
  8. @eldrick of course I do not think that people will look on the entire video for 7 minutes but instead use the fast-forward button, I just wanted to film the entire sequence so everyone can see that it is not edited and changed, but it might have been better if i cut it down, thanks for the comment. The changed position could be better but I wanted to use the existing mounting holes in order to make the installation easy, it might be possible to design a mount so it sits on the left side and still use the existing mounting holes. Yes the machine is upgraded with Olsson block and also the 35W heater. Interesting is that I managed 40 mm/s with the same material roll, temperature, extrusion width, layerheight with the original UM extruder without underextrusion.
  9. Hi all, here is the link for the updated versions of Tinkergnomes firmware. Ultimaker2: http://www.bondtech.se/download/669/ Ultimaker2 Extended: http://www.bondtech.se/download/667/
  10. Hi, i would like to present the Bondtech Extruder for you if you haven't seen it yet, it uses a dual drive gear that grip the filament from both sides that eliminates grinding and slipping problems, it also uses a planetary gearbox that increases torque and precision, it uses 492.45 steps / mm filament. I have made a custom firmware available with the needed modifications and there is a Assembly guide available with step by step instructions of how to install it. Feel free to ask questions.
  11. Great that it worked out for you @pixl2 !
  12. Good idea JB_sullivan, i have just sent him a message, send me an e-mail to martin@bondtech.se so we can discuss and find a solution to your problems.
  13. Hi martin-bienz, thanks for that, i changed back and forward in order to see that it worked ok, and I missed the number 4... Sorry for that, the file is now updated with the correct value. Is this the correct source for Tinkergnome Firmware firmware JB_Sullivan? https://github.com/TinkerGnome/Ultimaker2Marlin Could someone tell me how I link your usernames? /Martin
  14. Hi, from what I can see you are having some problems, please send me an e-mail and I will try to guide you. In order to set the new E-step value I have created a small G-code file that will set your E-step value to 492.45, just download the file from the link below and place in on your SD-card and select Print / Select the file Bondtech-Estep. Your E-step value have now been updated and saved into the configuration. Link to E-step setting G-code: G-code I have also created and Hex-file for updating the configuration for Ultimaker 2 and Ultimaker 2 Extended that sets the new E-step-value and also changes the feeding speed that is used when making a Material change from the menu. Upload the new configuration with Cura. Hex-file for Ultimaker 2: Firmware Hex-file for Ultimaker 2 Extended: Firmware If you have any other questions I am happy to help!
  15. Hi JB_Sullivan, of course that is possible, I will add it to your order!
  16. Guten tag, schön, dieses thread auf unserer Extruder zu finden, ich gerade gekauft habe ein Ultimaker 2 Extended und Ich habe gerade einen BondtechQR Extruder installiert. Die Halterung ich entwickelt habe, arbeitet, um die extended Version zu montieren, ohne kollision mit der filament spule. Allerdings scheint es sehr voll in regelmäßigen Ultimaker 2 habe ich eine Halterung, die Extruder 15,5 mm, die es möglich machen sollte, um es ohne Kollisionen zu installieren offsettar entwickelt. Gibt es jemanden, der bereit ist, dies zu testen? Ich habe eine Version, die Sie mit einem M5 Gewindestift fädeln kann aber meine montieren, dass ich zu liefern, ich hitze Einsätze, um ein stärkeres Gewinde zu bekommen gemacht. Hier finden ihr ein link zu das stl-file: http://www.bondtech.se/download/636/
  17. Hi Martin, That's a great looking extruder. It looks like the drive gears share a similar design to the MK8 RepRap drive gear, which I have found gives really good grip without deforming the filament very much. On the 3mm variant, what do you feel is the compatible range of filament sizes? Also, how hard is it to convert the 3mm variant to 1.75mm and back? Hi, the 3 mm version feeds 2.85 very good, I have not been able to test any smaller, for 1.75 mm the gears and the front housing are different so this will need to be replaced (2 screws & 1 set screw, max 2 minutes of work.) /Martin
  18. Hi Mendells, nice work with the extruder, I know very well the amount of work that needs to be done developing this. Since you discuss filament deformation I thought I would show you a photo showing how the filament gripped by the Bondtech Extruder looks. For your information I have just released the new QR model with a QuickRelease for quick filament changes. I am getting quite a number of happy Ultimaker users that have upgraded to the Bondtech Extruder that have made a fantastic printer even better and more reliable. Here you can see a happy user in France that have the predecessor the V2 model installed on his 3 printers. Please feel free to ask questions and I will be happy to answer them! With Best regards Martin.
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