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Posts posted by DaHai8

  1. First off, you model is AWESOME. Yeah, everything is flat, straight, level, etc. very nice!

    Ok, here's some clues (Cura 2.5)

    I was getting the same behavior as you with .1 Layer Height and .15 Initial Layer Height. This causes the top layers to not be perfect layer increments: .15, .25, .35, .45 ...

    So you can see that when it gets to the first inner top later at 10mm, its going to be either 9.95 or 10.05mm. Looks like Cura has a rounding issue and depending on where on the build plate it sits, it may do some areas in 9.95 and others in 10.05

    So I'm guessing your Initial Layer Height is probably something like .25

    So to mitigate this, set you Initial Layer Height and Layer Height values so they will land exactly on the top layers of your part: ie: 10mm and 30mm.

    I would recommend .2mm for both Initial Layer Height and Layer Height. It might make bed adhesion a little more difficult, but your top layers will be flat.

  2. You are saying that models downloaded from Thingiverse all print fine - regardless of size, but...models you create won't print larger?

    If so, sounds like an issue with your model. Have you looked at in X-Ray mode for any Red areas?

    Did you run it through MakePrintable on Thingiverse to see if it threw up any errors?

  3. Check the X-Ray view for any RED areas, they would indicate issues with the model that can confuse Cura when slicing it.

    I've seen this happen when the layer is not perfectly flat and parallel to the build plate. Even a difference of .1mm in height can cause the slicer to print that 'bump'. Any way you could post the STL, or original model for examination?

  4. Some suggestions:

    1) Check your belts for proper tension and the print head for slop.

    2) Enable Acceleration and Jerk Control in Cura and try lower values for the corresponding settings (Top/Bottom). Note that the defaults in Cura may be much higher than your Delta as they are defaulted for Ultimaker printers. So you may have to adjust all of them.

    3) Try printing hotter +5-10c as it may be the filament is sticking to the nozzle and getting pulled away from the walls.

    4) Skin Overlap Percentage: try increasing this value

    5) Disable Infill Before Walls: This might help the infill adhere and stay in place if its getting pulled away.

    How may top layers are you printing?

    And what is your infill percentage?

  5. It appears there is a bug maybe in how it is implemented.

    Nope, you've got it exactly right on how to set z-seam locations.

    However, the center of the board is not XY(0,0) (unless you have a Delta Machine.

    The lower left corner is 0,0 and the center of the board is X125, Y100 in your example.

    The confusion is Local Coordinates v. Printer Coordinates.

    Your object sits in the center of the board, which is locally (0,0), however, the Printer Coordinates put it at (125,100)

    Hope this helps.

  6. 32Bit Windows or 64bit Windows?

    32Bit Cura (pre 2.4) or 64 bit Cura?

    Cura 2.x or Cura 15.x?

    They all go in different folders depending on the name, version, OS bit level and program bit level.

    For 64bit Cura on Windows 64bit OS its:

    C:\Program Files\Cura 2.5\Cura.exe
    C:\Program Files\Cura 2.4\Cura.exe

    For legacy 32bit versions of Cura 2.3 and earlier on 64bit Windows its:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\Cura.exe
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.2\Cura.exe

    For Cura 15.x, its called Cura.bat as it executes a Python script to run:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.04.4\Cura.bat

    Hope this helps.

  7. If it is Ethernet or Wifi connected?

    If its WiFi, you could do a test to see the signal strength and quality at the printer. Wifi Analyzer for Android works pretty good for this. It will show you the signal strength in dB and if there are overlapping Wifi signals that might be interfering. There might be a similar app for iOS.

    Just a thought.

  8. Here's your plugin. Place it in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.nn.n\plugins folder and restart Cura:

    #Name: NozzleB
    #Info: Replace Extruder 'E' designator with 'B'
    #Depend: GCode
    #Type: postprocess
    __copyright__ = "Written by Da Hai Zhu - No copyright. Use as you wish. Caveat Emptor"
    import re
    from Cura.util import profile
    # Read the ENTIRE g-code file into memory
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
       lines = f.readlines()
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
       for lIndex in xrange(len(lines)):
           line = lines[lIndex]
           if ("G0" in line or "G1" in line) and ("E" in line) :
               line = re.sub("E","B",line)

    Python is persnickety, so if you have problems with this running via copy/paste from this screen, download it here:


    Let me know how it goes!

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