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Posts posted by DaHai8

  1. Well the odd part, as I said before, is that this didn't start happening until 2.4. Before that, I didn't have this issue.

    Here's a SD Card reader that works in 2.3, but fails with 'No Disk...' in later versions:


    Model: XP31004


    Windows Info:

    Alcor Micro USB 2.0 Card Reader

    Driver Provider: Alcor Micro, Corp

    Driver Date: 7/13/2015

    Driver Version:

    Digital Signer: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

    Hope this helps.

    Does not appear to be on Amazon. So apologies for the obscurity.

    A little history: So I wore out my built-in SD Card reader with all the in-n-outs (yes, I can hear you snickering...) and bought this USB one to replace it (it has a built-in USB slot as well). Now, I really don't want to wear out my 1 of only 2 USB plugs by constantly plugging/unplugging the reader every time I want to use Cura. If I wear the external USB card reader out, I can't just buy another one - cheaper than a new laptop...

  2. DaHai8,

    I totally disagree your with your answer. There is NO retraction in the the g-code. Even when the first layer is printed there is a sometimes a retraction. Sometimes printing the brim. See https://ultimaker.com/en/community/16596-retraction-issue

    there is a video example I found today.

    If I lower the maximum E-current from 1300mA to a lower value (1000mA) then this retract is far more often. So my conclusion is that the Marlin firmware does this.

    So your hope that this helps is: NO.

    My hope is now that you agree with me and/or someone else can help. Anyway thanks for your time and answer though.

    Regards Jaap.


    With the little information you provided, my answer is factually correct. You have something else wrong with your printer then - like your stepper drivers are overheating as now you provide additional information on power settings. But again, retractions done within Marlin are controlled by g-code ONLY. There is no 'retraction' routine.

    Sorry I tried to help...good luck


  3. There's not really a piece of code in the Marlin Firmware that does retractions. You won't find a 'retract filament' method or subroutine.

    Retractions are done in the g-code using the move commands: G0 (rapid) & G1 (normal)

    specifying a negative value (when using relative moves), or a lower value than the previous one (for absolute moves), for the Ennn Parameter is what does a filament retraction.

    The g-codes are created by the slicer (Cura) and sent to the printer. All the firmware does is read the movement command and then rotate the motors the correct direction and speed.

    Hope this helps.

  4. FYI: I ran into similar issues with Intel HD4000 drivers on Windows 10.

    The Device Manager said my Video drivers were 'up to date', but I found newer ones on Intel's web site. As I wanted upgraded OpenGL to use Cura enhanced Layer View, I upgraded it to Intel's newest.

    That was a HUGE mistake.

    Some stuff was fine: Simplify3D ran the same.

    Other's Broken: Slicer took MINUTES to start and then very long times to load/view/slice anything! Paint.net just ran as slow as Photoshop. Ugh.

    And it didn't help Cura at all - same OpenGL version :(

    I downgraded back to the recommended Windows version and everything got back to normal.

    So, it seams that if Windows says you're on the 'latest version' of a driver, what they really mean is you're on the latest version that actually Works with Windows...

  5. Thank you for your analysis.

    The base is only to stick the object to the buildingplate.

    The errors, I do not understand. Have you any idee about the kind of errors?

    Ok, then get rid of the base and use a raft. That will fix a number of issues.

    Stray Edges: These are lines that don't connect to anything. They don't form faces or surfaces. They just stick out going nowhere. Everything must form a face. And all faces must be connect to form a solid object (aka Manafold)

    Surface Borders: These are edges of a surface (or face) that doesn't connect to another face. A face is a two-dimensional object and by connecting all faces together, it forms a 3-dimensional object that can be printed. A Face that has a border means that one or more edges of that face doesn't connect to anything. So it just a floating face.

    Face Holes: This is pretty much like it sounds. Its a hole in a face. Which also results in a Surface Border. You can form holes in objects by joining faces to form a hole, but you can't have just a hole in a face. Hope that makes sense.

    Internal Face Edges: This can usually be overcome in Cura (ie: Cura can usually print objects with this error, but its better to fix it). A face has two sides: inside and outside. This helps tell the slicer (Cura) what to fill in and what to make a outside surface. When you have faces facing the wrong direction, it can confuse things up.

    There are apps on the internet, as well as some that can be downloaded to help repair your object. Make Printable is just one of them:


    Hope this helps.

  6. Issues:

    1) Base is only .3mm thick, so it won't print vertical with a .4mm nozzle and line with greater than .3mm. However it will print at least one layer when layed horizontal and a layer height of .2mm

    2) There are a LOT of errors with your model. Basically this causes Cura to not know what is internal or external. These all need to be fixed before it can be successfully sliced:


  7. Ok, we'll ask again:

    Are the walls very thin? (<.4mm)

    Are there any RED areas when viewed in X-Ray mode?

    In addition: Have you validated this object as a closed manifold in whatever software you used to design it?

    FYI: If you look at your profile in this forum, it will list all the threaded you have created or replied to. Makes it easy to find old posts. That's how I found your old one. :)

  8. Sure its not a warp core bubble causing a time dilation?

    The largest factor I've found in Cura time v. Print time is Jerk and Acceleration settings. Perhaps your UM3+ has higher values (faster) than what Cura defaults to.

    Jerk and Acceleration Control is not enabled, so Cura won't send those commands to the printer, but instead use its defaults, among others, to estimate print times. If you enable them and then set them to the same values as what are stored in your printer, I think you'll get much more accurate time estimates.

  9. Ok, here's the converted script. Tested on 2.5.0 Release. I generated some g-code with/without this post-processing-plugin and it appeared to make the correct changes for the extruder number. But I don't have a multi-extruder printer to test with - so Caveat Emptor :)

    You can also download if from here: SelectExtruder.zip

    And pasted below:


    #!/usr/bin/env python#Name: Select Extruder 15.01#Info: Adjusts the used extruder for a single material print#Help: SelectExtruder#Depend: GCode#Type: postprocess#Param: ExtruderNo(int:0) Extruder to be used (0: 1st ex., 1: 2nd ex.)# Written by Stefan Heule, Dim3nsioneer@gmx.ch# This script is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike - Non Commercial (CC BY-SA-NC) 3.0 terms## Hacked for Cura 2.x by Da Hai Zhu - appologies to the original author# Handles up to 10 extruders (0-9) - should last another year, maybe...# 2017-04-24# version 2.5.0from ..Script import Scriptimport reclass SelectExtruder(Script):   def __init__(self):       super().__init__()   def getSettingDataString(self):       return """{           "name":"Select Extruder",           "key": "SelectExtruder",           "metadata": {},           "version": 2,           "settings":           {               "ext_Num":                {                   "label": "Extruder Number (0 - n)",                   "description": "0 = 1st, 1 = 2nd, etc...",                   "unit": "",                   "type": "int",                   "default_value": 0               }           }       }"""   def execute(self, data):       extNum = self.getSettingValueByKey("ext_Num")       for layer in data:           index = data.index(layer)           lines = layer.split("\n")           for line in lines:               if "M109" in line: #look for M109 command (heat up and wait)                   layer = layer.replace(line, re.sub("M109.+(S\d+)","M109 T%d \g<1>\nT%d\n" % (int(extNum),int(extNum)),line))               elif "M104" in line: #look for M104 command (temperature change)                   layer = layer.replace(line, re.sub("M104.+(S\d+)","M104 T%d \g<1>\nT%d\n" % (int(extNum),int(extNum)),line))               elif re.search("T\d",line) and "M200" not in line:                   layer = layer.replace(line, re.sub("T\d","T%d\n" % int(extNum),line))           data[index] = layer       return data


  10. @DaHai8, is there any chance that you could assist?


    Sure, I'd be happy to. Looks like its on GitHub: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/legacy/SelectExtruder.py


    #Name: Select Extruder 15.01#Info: Adjusts the used extruder for a single material print#Help: SelectExtruder#Depend: GCode#Type: postprocess#Param: ExtruderNo(int:0) Extruder to be used (0: 1st ex., 1: 2nd ex.)## Written by Stefan Heule, Dim3nsioneer@gmx.ch## This script is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike - Non Commercial (CC BY-SA-NC) 3.0 termsversion = '15.01'import reimport wximport timetry:#MacOS release currently lacks some wx components, like the Publisher.from wx.lib.pubsub import Publisherexcept:Publisher = None


    If that's not the right one, let me know.

    I'll start hacking away at it...

  11. Cura-2.5.0-win64.exe is 96,803KB in size. If you download is a different size, then try downloading it again.

    Also try running the install as Administrator: Right click on Cura-2.5.0-win64.exe and select 'Run as Administrator'

    See if that helps.

    I just downloaded it and installed fresh with no issues.

  12. Not sure about 'exits', but I think the primary issue with your Python script is the version. It should be version 2, and I don't think you need the triple quotes on the return as well.

    Here's a fixed version of your script: http://bitman.org/dahai/AddPowerOn.zip

    I think the reason they call it Python is its very temperamental and will snap back and bite you if you do something wrong...

    Hope this helps.

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