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Posts posted by DaHai8

  1. My 2c:

    You don't get this level of effort, quality, or continuous updates from a 100% community supported development effort. Yes, there is a corporation behind Cura, but they have dedicated this software to be 100% open source. You don't see that with any of the other corporate efforts out there (S3D, Crapware..er Craftware, Slic3r). None of these have had a release in the past year (Slic3r is finally coming out with their first stable one since 2014!) and none of them give you the source code! (edit: ok, Slic3r does)

    Then you have Marlin, a fully 100% community effort which hasn't had a stable release since May 2015 and their latest RC8 has been sitting since Dec last year.

    You're also not locked into using only Cura with your UM3 unlike other high-end 3D Printers out there. Again S3d, Slic3r, Crapw..Craftware, etc. will all work (well, maybe not Craftware, but that's nothing to do with UM3) :p

    You can fork, download, edit, modify, customize Cura to your hearts content, and keep all the changes for yourself, if you want. Or better yet, upload your changes and submit a pull request to help everyone out.

  2. The Cura Manual (https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20406-installation-cura-2-1) covers the Cooling setting more in depth than pop-ups ever could. It even has illustrations. :)


    However, Cura is an open-source community effort and there have been requests before on this forum for translators for the manual as well as the application.

    All the balloon help / pop-up text for these settings can be found in the Cura app folder under /resources/definitions/fdmprinter.def.json

    You could make your changes to that file and then submit it to the Cura team for review. I bet that would take a load off their plate!

  3. Sounds like Geeetech had a special Cura profile for their printer. Have you tried contacting them on their web site?


    Also, one of the forum threads suggest using the Prusa I3 MK2 profile and setting the nozzle size to .3mm


    One last thing to check is: Did they include an SD card with the .rar files and instructions on it? Perhaps it also had a version of Cura with the proper settings (that's how my Aurora A3 came).

  4. The 'Download Cura 2.5.1 (beta)' link worked for me, however...it download:

    Cura-2.5.0-BETA-2-win64.exe (for windows)

    Cura-2.5.0-BETA-2-DARWIN.dmg (for mac)

    Sounds like the left hand didn't tell the right-hand what the new name was :)

    All the links worked for me, including the links to 'View all Versions'

    Maybe your browser is acting up? What browser &version.

    • Like 1
  5. If the nozzle is thicker, it might be that it needs to extrude less in the second pass. The layer view, even though it looks realistic, is not a realistic representation of what it will do when printed.


    I know its asking a lot, but that does kinda negate the purpose of 'layer view': to spot issues in your print before it prints. How do you know know which issues are real and which aren't?

  6. Found a solution. Go into disk management (dskmgr.msc, or simply search "disk management" in the start menu), find drive D: in the bottom half of the window, right-click > change drive letter and paths > select D: in the list and click remove. Afterwards you shouldn't get the error anymore. For some reason, Cura just cant accept that my SD card reader is empty and that it should give up on trying to read from it.


    So then your SD Drive is gone and you cannot use it anymore?

    I need my SD Drive more than Cura. Not going to hobble my PC. It worked fine in 2.3


    Can we get a screen shot of he new layer view?


    2.5 on the left, big improvement IMHO


    I want to cry now :(:(:(

    I've tried updating my video drivers, many times, but the best OpenGL version I can get is 4.0.9. I'm missing Shading Language version 4.10 - I have all the other 4.10 features but that and my laptop is only 4 years old.

    Life is soooo cruel....................

  8. From your photos is looks like that first 'fake' solid layer is too wide for the top of the arch and really is not supposed to be there.

    My guess is there is an error in the .stl file. If you look at in in x-ray view in Cura are there any Red areas? Those would be issues with the model.

    You can test your STL file in some web-based STL repair tools, like MakePrintable, to see if there are any issues with it.

  9. Ugh :(That stupid thing again. It's one of those issues that rears it's ugly head every so often, but has proven to be a nightmare to find (and therefore fix).


    Cursid Repeatedly Reoccurring Rogue Recursion Routine

  10. OK, the problem is that there is more than one 'solid' defined in the .stl file.

    I didn't initially think this was a problem because .stl files can contain more than one manifold object. But apparently, Cura, S3D, and Slic3r cannot handle having solid appearing more than once in an .STL file - they will only read the first occurrence and ignore the others.

    I don't know enough about the STL format to say whether multiple solid defines are syntactically allowed in that format or not.

    But, to fix this (other than exporting as an OBJ file), would be to 'combine' your objects into a single entity in your editor (123D). I don't know how to do that in 123D, but in Meshmixer, you would select both objects and then click on Edit / Combine. Then when you export them as .STL, there will be only 1 'solid' declaration in the file, but 2 manifolds (one for each part).

    Hope this helps.

    • Like 1
  11. Strange behavior indeed.

    S3D only imports one of the models as well. However, if I convert it to ASCII Format STL, S3D imports both of them.

    Cura will only import one model regardess of STL format....

    However, exporting it as OBJ allows importing of both models in Cura and S3D. So as a quick work-aound, see if you can export your models as OBJ and import them into Cura.

    Sounds like an STL format compatibility issue somewhere.

  12. A model's left front edge is the point on the model with the smallest x/y coordinate (when a build plates origin is at the left/front of the printer). That is how it is imported and placed in a slicer like Cura.

    If you want all your models' left front edges to line up the same, you need to orient them in your modeling software to place their front left corner at the lowest x/y coordinate for the model.

    I hope I explained that well enough.

  13. Looks like the tiles assigned to the second extruder are not touching the build plate.

    You could try adjusting the Z axis down maybe by .1mm at a time until you get proper brim around everything.

    Go back into Blender and verify that both sets of tiles are perfectly aligned at their bases on the Z-Axis and adjust if otherwise. Also make sure they are perfectly flat. If you have even the smallest protrusion on the bottom, Cura will use that as the part to touch the build plate.

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