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Everything posted by thopiekar

  1. Believe there were no errors. I'm going to roll out the latest changes as 0.5.8. https://thopiekar.eu:5443/cura-cad-integration/CuraSolidWorksPlugin/-/jobs/710/artifacts/browse
  2. Done. Same code like before but available for Cura >= 3.3 now. https://thopiekar.eu:5443/cura-cad-integration/CuraSolidWorksPlugin/-/jobs/652/artifacts/browse @XYZDesignPro: Make sure that the SolidWorks plugin is not inside the plugin directory of Cura's configuration directory. I don't trust that much the old uninstall method. Remember that there were issues in the past. Visit the link, download CuraSolidWorksPlugin-0.5.7.sdk-4.curapackage and drag-and-drop it into Cura. It should mention that it is going to be installed on the next start. I tested the package file on 3.4.1, but don't know whether it works, since I have no SWX installed.
  3. Ok, noticed some non-sense in my packaging script. But first of all an overview: * Cura 3.2 won't work, because of version checks I do inside the plugin and a comparision is only supported since 3.3. * My build system provides umplugin/curaplugin package for >= 3.5, but this format is not supported since 3.2 anymore. Will take some time until I fix it.
  4. No problem. I'm glad to help! 🙂 Whenever you are using the Toolbox aka Marketplace, you are using software distributed by Ultimaker. Therefore I won't be able to test my latest work I share over here. Visit the website I shared above. You will find different files. * CuraSolidWorksPlugin-*.zip - for me to send the plugin for a review to Ultimaker * CuraSolidWorksPlugin-*.api-5.umplugin - for Cura >= 3.5 * CuraSolidWorksPlugin-*.sdk-600.curapackage for Cura >= 4.0 So yes, there is no file for you, but give me some minutes. My packaging script is able to create also files for Cura >= 2.7, but never tested it.
  5. Noticed that some fixes, I worked on in the past, were not finished and/or not deployed in the releases. Would be great if you could take some time and try this out: https://thopiekar.eu:5443/cura-cad-integration/CuraSolidWorksPlugin/-/jobs/455/artifacts/browse It is regarding the storage of preferences. I added functions between Cura and the plugin, which ensure that the preferences are stored as expected and recovered on restart correctly. Thanks!
  6. Ok, thanks! Never noticed the issue before or I was simply good in overlooking (or just forgetting) it. 😀
  7. Thank you for reporting this. From your logs, I only see that the VersionUpgradeManager is going through my files. (Which I already find strange, since why should it know about upgradable files in my plugin(s).) Anyway, can you send me more lines? Maybe if you care about privacy, then you can send it via private message and then I can share my email address if even needed. Would really like to understand how it comes. Might be that the error code we get on your computer doesn't only happen with invalid licenses, but also something else. Therefore a wrong error message could be the case. I only remember that I went into this situation when I disconnected from the network and the server couldn't get contacted. But that doesn't seem to be your case 😕
  8. Hello @XYZDesignPro and others! I took some time to upgrade my build system here. I noticed that it took a lot of time to distribute work-in-progress code. Therefore I wrote my own script[1], which creates software packages (*.curapackage), plugin files (*.umplugin or *.curaplugin) and source archives for the upload to Ultimaker's contributors portal. Before I had to clean up the source code all the time, remove all file which was needed for version control and I got annoyed from that. So whenever I'm working on a feature or fix in a specific branch I can download the results on the project's pipeline page (Blender plugin for example [2]). On top of that, I can set for how long the files are hosted and then automatically removed. So yes, for Blender that concept works. The generated software packages work and the source archives seem to be complete. Guess I can spend some time on older Cura's for curaplugin/umplugin tests in the future, too. Will continue with the Autodesk Inventor plugin now, since I received a beta license again, but SolidWorks will follow soon, too! Cheers! --------------------------- [1] https://thopiekar.eu:5443/cura-plugins/CuraPluginOven [2] https://thopiekar.eu:5443/cura-cad-integration/CuraBlenderPlugin/pipelines
  9. Hey @XYZDesignPro, This is the version which is published but posted a link here before to the plugin package. This one is newer, then the one you can get via the Toolbox aka Marketplace..
  10. Ok, let's get it tested and fixed soon, so I can roll out the new release 😉
  11. Hey guys, you tested it already? Any issues faced? Thanks!
  12. Well, so far the CIU is not designed to handle multiple meshes. So need to think about a good way how to do that. Will sit on this soon, because something like this will be also needed for SolidWorks <= 2017, because only earlier versions support 3MF, which has all different meshes bundled in one file. I will create a separate branch soon and do some first work, like creating a separate class, etc. I owe you some teamwork on this I think 😉
  13. Hey rmi, I looked over the code and can at some point not follow how you are generating the different meshes.. I would have had expected that you generate different scad files and load them all, but I don't find the line where you are doing something like that. Additionally, I thought about making some cleanup. That means moving all your parsing code into a separate class. So we have all the basic functions and your extras on top. However, spent some time to fix the Cura PPA today, so might find time for this at a later time.
  14. Hmm, the plugin system shouldn't be the problem. There is something going wrong behind the scenes of the plugin. You already know how to attach a log to your message here, right? Make sure you remove it, reproduce the problem and attach it here then. Thanks!
  15. Drag and drop the file into Cura. That should do it. Regards from Huston, Texas
  16. Strange. And they have not been grouped before?
  17. You mean it does not run after installation?
  18. Hmm, ok. Then it is just like I read in articles and ebooks. ? At which time has it been discussed? .. or better ask on which version of OpenCL have these investigations been made? Personally, I really like the idea of using OpenCL. As far as I hear the coverage of OpenCL support shall (!) be not too bad anymore. Because what I personally dislike are solutions like CUDA, which only work (but very well, as I read) on Nvidia cards. Has any WIP code been ever released?
  19. @Smithy Kann ich nichts hinzufügen! ??
  20. Naja, also wenn nichts extrudiert wird, dann liegt es eher an dem Motor - also sofern das PVA nicht zerrieben ist. Falls doch würde ich vorschlagen den BB core einfach zu reinigen. Anleitungen gibt es genug. Beizüglich deiner Frage zum Kauf: Also wenn du dir keine Sorgen machen willst über die Justierung und dem Fakt, dass es dich unter umständen viel Zeit kosten kann, dann greif zum 3dsolex. Naturlich kannst du die Düsen ersetzen, aber die Frage ist wie immer wie oft und wieviel du davon hast(?). Habe jetzt selbst keinen UM3, aber an meinem Drucker kann ich die Düsen welchseln, aber gemacht hab ich das nur ein mal, da ich daran interessiert war, wie es geht. Nun liegen weitere Düsen rum und ich wechsel die nicht aus Überzeugung, dass es Zeitverschwendung ist. Daher mein Rat: Greif zu UM Hardware für problemloses Arbeiten, spare deine tägliche wertvolle Zeit ein und investiere die in die sinnvollen Dinge des Lebens ?
  21. No, the function was there, but practically wrong data formats have been exchanged. How does it work for you? When using the same settings as in SolidWorks, is the quality the same? There was no unit defined for the deviation in the documentation, that's why I'm asking.
  22. Interesting.. Looks like there is a typo in the URL. It automatically redirects you then to a page, which seems to fit the best. Strange guess from the Wordpress plugin to take you to the OpenSCAD page ? Tested these links before posting them now: CuraSolidWorksPlugin-v4-2018-11-07T20_26_08Z.curapackage CuraSolidWorksPlugin-v5-2018-11-07T20_26_08Z.curapackage Sorry and enjoy! ?
  23. When using Cura 3.4.x, then V4. V5 is for Cura 3.5 and upwards.
  24. Here it is ? CuraSolidWorksPlugin-v4-2018-11-07T20_26_08Z.curapackage CuraSolidWorksPlugin-v5-2018-11-07T20_26_08Z.curapackage Added some functions between Cura and the former plugin code, so the datatype gets cached and properly passed to SolidWorks' application interface. Any feedback is as usual welcome!
  25. Hey @XYZDesignPro, I posted the URL here before. But nevermind this download, because the I noticed a bug at some point that the saved values of both parameters are extracted from the cura settings in text form and not numbers. Therefore, if you don't modify the values before slicing the plugin will fail to convert your SolidWorks file. Will sit down on this and correct that soon.
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