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Posts posted by Swissengineer

  1. Hi guys,


    Lately we are encountering a lot of bonding issues with breakaway and nylon (see pictures). We got the same issues with Tough PVA and breakaway.

    I do not understand how this can happen, knowing that on the lower side, it is impossible to remove all the breakaway material.

    But on the overhang side, it seems that there is no adhesion at all....


    Also I'm using standard profiles with no modifications. with 0.4 print cores, at 0.15mm height.

    UM3E, Cura 4.6


    Please help 😭




  2. Just to give a bit more explanation:

    You must first use a 3D modeler like my colleagues said (Tinkercad, Sketchup, Fusion360, or even paint 3D).

    This is to shape what you want. Like a drawing but in 3D.

    Then you export this file in an .STL format and open it with Cura.

    Cura (slicer) role is to take your 3D for and transform it in a machine code for the printer to understand (what is called G-code).


    If you want you can download STL files ready to go from https://www.thingiverse.com/ .


    Good luck and happy 3Dprinting!


  3. Je n'ai jamais eu ce souci mais je dirais:

    Du point de vu mécanique il faut analyser tout ce qui est en mouvement à ce moment là. Courroie ou roulements. Mais vu que ton bruit est un peu saccadé je planche plus sur la courroie qui a des dents.

    Essai de voir si tu as une usure ou alors par précaution change les toutes ça ne doit pas être très cher.

  4. Hello Everyone,


    How do I get the full print area on my UM3E declared in the website?



    Left or right nozzle:
    215 x 215 x 300 mm
    (8.5 x 8.5 x 11.8 inches)

    Dual extrusion:
    197 x 215 x 300 mm
    (7.8 x 8.5 x 11.8 inches)


    I have a part with 210mm and it does not fit.


    BTW, I have no support, no adhesion.

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