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Posts posted by Swissengineer

  1. 7 minutes ago, SandervG said:

    I fall victim to that one too, luckily it is relatively easy to upload a new profile picture. On the top right you can access your profile, if you do on the top left you see your avatar with a button to upload a new photo. Hope this helps, thank you for your feedback! 

     I don't call that a solution.... lol

    I see also that my posts counter is 0 now... normal?

  2. a closed chamber thermally regulated, with closed compartments for filaments like pva....

    This, plus:

    - Filament that is easily accessible - accessing from the back is a joke

    - Firmware that doesn't glitch 24/7

    - Cura that actually works quickly and reliably

    I bought an UM3 for its reputation for reliability and quality - I mistakenly thought it would be 'print and go' - I've had nothing but problems. At the moment I can't even send a Simplify 3D print via Cura to the printer (using Simplify 3D because Cura is awful). The supported underside of prints are a complete mess, stringy and not flat. I should be able to just print it out of the box perfectly and only mess with settings if I want to - not have to change things because they don't work in the first place!

    Never had a firmware glich or a problem with cura, And we print almost 24/24 since 1 year now with our UM3E.....

    But I agree that the underside of prints are a mess, if you print with PVA as support you will have a nice surface. But a long printing time.....

  3. The statement that PVA gets brittle with moisture is opposite to our experience. Both temperature and moisture make PVA soft.

    My experience is the same. Last night my printer jammed completely. See out of focus pic:


    Had to take the whole thing apart. After cleaning out the feeder and the printcore I tried again but kept jamming. Increased tension all the way and still jammed. Then I realised how soft the filament felt and realised it must be from moisture, lots of rain and misty days lately.

    Will try dry it out on a heating pad as suggested and the dry box seems like a good idea going forward. This is my first time using PVA so did not realise it was going to be this susceptible to moisture but it makes total sense.


    Yes you have a problem with moisture, here is what you need to do:

    Tomhe reply

    Then you need to always print what you need, then remove the spool and store in a sealed bag with desiccants inside.

    Good luck

  4. Hey everyone,

    I'm having trouble printing really small pieces with my stock UM3E due to the 0.4mm nozzle...

    I know gr5 make some, do you guys have tested it? Is there any other options?

    How difficult is to get the right settings for a tiny print?

    From what I read it seems that this is not really easy....

    What do you guys recommend me?

    Thanks for the help!

  5. Hey everyone, I was wondering if there is any way to change the material list inside the printer.

    For example: I put a new material like a black ABS from Ultimaker, but the machine only has ABS available. So in Cura I have to put black ABS from Ultimaker and every time it tell me that my configuration is not the same as the machine...

    This is problematic because this feature is really important, and the tendency is to ignore the message every time... I worry that one day I will have a real difference between configurations, and not look at the message and mess things up.


  6. For most of my prints, I only use one core ( but the second needs to be installed i think) the printer doesn't care what is in the spool holder.

    When you send a print from cura it will ask you if you are sure with your settings and tell you if you are sending different settings from the ones that are loaded , you can then change your settings or continue any way.

    For now you cannot stream thru internet the camera feed , but I guess with some computer magic it must be possible.

    For the door, there is a lot of designs to make one, and you should not make your decision over that.

    From what I know, the auto leveling does not concern the type of core you have.

    And finally , it seems we are not too far away from the releases for the new cores.

    • Like 1
  7. Hey guys,

    Lately I am using more often the USB key for printing instead of the wifi, because I can track what I printed and print back a piece I have done in the past instead of finding the project I have worked, the stl file and everything.

    I think it would be a nice option to be able to auto-save all gcodes that are printed in a separated file with a log of time and print.


  8. I don't really know what's inside, after some digging I found 85-95% ethanol and 1-5% propane in the safety datasheet, but maybe there is some other stuff but not dangerous so not in the safety.... (links: http://www.aprintapro.com/downloads/ )

    It doesn't smell much, at least much much less than acetone.

    And to remove the print I was really impressed. The brim stays attached really good, but the part as soon as you cool down the bed you can see it unstick by it self!

    I just use a spatula to remove the print and then water and soap to clean the bed then alcohol (don't have warm water in my shop).

    Next time I will see if can do a video.

  9. Hello everyone,

    I have been using a product for the past months for ABS adhesion. It's called PrintaFix.

    I really loved it because I don't have to worry anymore if I'm printing with ABS PLA PVA etc...


    I do NOT sell these products don't worry. I just wanted to recommend it for those who are willing to pay a bit more for something to get always a 100% of good prints. And it is much easier to clean because you need only soap!

    I started with Acetone juice and everything and this product gave me the joy to print with ABS.

    For most of my parts I print ABS now, because of the strength and the easy post-processing with acetone.

    Give-it a try!



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