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Posts posted by AndersK

  1. Would it be possible to get a warning from Cura when ArcWelder is enabled on at least an Ultimaker printer that does not support G2/G3 code?


    Looked almost the same as when I first tried that plug-in on UM3

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Gigi said:

    UM3 will not print with PETG ?

    Yes it will, no problems at all but I reccomend you print on PEI sheet, and on a flex plate, or order lots of spare glassplates. The adhesion of PETG is so strong it easily chips glass when cooling down.


    What Ultimaker is announcing is ready optimised profiles for their PETG, you simply have to make your own for your printer.

  3. Looking at second picture and third layer (Z1,9) it seem to start at X75,762 and end at the same if I read the file correct. Gap is in the X-axis

    I assume the last G0 movement is wiping the outer wall


    Start outside layer3:

    G0 F600 X152.136 Y300.658 Z1.9
    G0 F7200 X152.134 Y300.558
    G0 X75.692 Y299.462
    G0 X74.042 Y299.184
    G0 X72.379 Y298.613
    G0 X70.834 Y297.777
    G0 X69.446 Y296.698
    G0 X68.256 Y295.405
    G0 X67.295 Y293.934
    G0 X66.59 Y292.324
    G0 X66.159 Y290.629
    G0 X66.014 Y288.882
    G0 X66.05 Y162.783
    G0 X66.339 Y161.058
    G0 X66.909 Y159.396
    G0 X67.745 Y157.851
    G0 X68.825 Y156.463
    G0 X70.118 Y155.273
    G0 X71.308 Y154.496
    G0 X75.773 Y152.003
    G0 X75.762 Y151.903
    G1 F1800 X76.597 Y151.873 E0.33348
    G1 X76.675 Y151.87 E0.03115
    G1 X151.831 Y151.87 E29.99638
    G1 X151.908 Y151.872 E0.03074
    G1 X152.743 Y151.903 E0.3335
    G1 X152.863 Y151.916 E0.04817


    End outside layer 3:

    G1 X74.037 Y152.164 E0.12238
    G1 X74.685 Y152.042 E0.26317
    G1 X74.892 Y152.002 E0.08415
    G1 X75.642 Y151.917 E0.30126
    G1 X75.762 Y151.903 E0.04822
    G0 F7200 X76.362 Y151.882
    G0 X76.364 Y151.982
    G0 X71.588 Y154.312
    G0 X70.118 Y155.273
    G0 X68.825 Y156.463
    G0 X67.745 Y157.851
    G0 X67.069 Y159.102
    G0 X66.282 Y161.038
    G0 X66.378 Y161.063
    G1 F1800 X66.197 Y161.925 E0.35155
    G1 X66.089 Y162.795 E0.3499
    G1 X66.053 Y163.658 E0.34474


    Same part but arc welder enabled makes the code easier to read to me, knowing what is circular and straight motion.

    However, I did not save this as a 3mf file and might have moved the model so X and Y positions cant be compared but it seems to do the same:

    G0 X73.545 Y149.448
    G1 F2400 E2
    G2 X74.459 Y149.413 I-0.984 J-37.645 E0.36507 F1800
    G1 X149.613 Y149.413 E29.99559
    G3 X155.535 Y150.994 I-0.044 J12.047 E2.47403
    G3 X159.519 Y154.780 I-5.816 J10.109 E2.21415
    G3 X161.401 Y160.321 I-9.993 J6.484 E2.36047
    G2 X161.436 Y161.236 I37.548 J-0.978 E0.36547
    G1 X161.436 Y286.39 E49.95167
    G3 X159.855 Y292.312 I-12.047 J-0.044 E2.47410
    G3 X156.070 Y296.296 I-10.116 J-5.821 E2.21382
    G3 X150.528 Y298.178 I-6.487 J-10.002 E2.36080
    G2 X149.613 Y298.213 I0.978 J37.548 E0.36547
    G1 X74.459 Y298.213 E29.99559
    G3 X68.537 Y296.632 I0.044 J-12.047 E2.47411
    G3 X64.553 Y292.847 I5.821 J-10.116 E2.21381
    G3 X62.671 Y287.304 I10.001 J-6.486 E2.36112
    G2 X62.636 Y286.390 I-37.645 J0.984 E0.36507
    G1 X62.636 Y161.236 E49.95167
    G3 X64.217 Y155.314 I12.047 J0.044 E2.47403
    G3 X68.003 Y151.330 I10.109 J5.816 E2.21414
    G3 X73.545 Y149.448 I6.484 J9.992 E2.36080
    G0 F7200 X74.145 Y149.426



  4. Material flow stops close to layer end and I cant find settings in Cura that might do this.

    Looks like excessive coasting but that is not enabled.

    Width are roughly 4-5 mm

    Smart Z-seam hiding is enabled so I get this at mixed locations, both inner and outer wall


    Any hints?





  5. I've done some Nylon with carbon fibre with standard 0,4mm nozzle and that came out with a superb finnish.

    Parts were pressurised to 5 MPa and connected to a solenoid that reached about 100°C so I wouldnt say material properties were compromised by nozzle size.

    Didi it first in PETG with carbon fibre but it got too soft after a while and deformed under pressure so I know material properties was under strain in that application.


    Maybe glass fibre is different, never tried that

  6. First, make sure the filament is dry. PLA isnt that sensitive but if the material has been laying open a longer time it helps to dry it.

    If you have an enclosure you can just heat the bed to 60°C and leave the roll on it a coupple of hours.


    As dmyth said, small parts can suffer from insufficient cooling if layer print time is short.

    If you already run the fans at 100% try to print a few more of your model at the same time. That will allow them to cool down better. 

    There are parameters in Cura that can control layer time as well but that is beyond my experience.

  7. Try this setting to get your model sit flat on the ground plane:




    This is also a nice plugin I recommend, if you havent already installed it, written by Nallath.

    It will calculate best orientation for the model and orient it for you (you can change orientation manually anyway you want still)



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  8. I have started to try Arc welder but getting some weird 1st layer behaviour.

    Tried two different model and the result is similar. If you look at the picture you see a strange pattern that is neither in the model nor visible in Cura preview.

    First try I did was worse than this, broke off what was supposed to be a continuous outer wall. This one I let run and it seem to fill ok.


  9. I have done a fair share of PETG printing (20-30 kg) and has given up on printing on glass, it just sticks to hard.


    Have changed to printing on PEI instead and that does magic. No need to fiddle with glue or anything to get a good match.


    Do yourself a favour and get the flexplate system from Build-Tak makes removal so much easier.

    The PEI sheets have been good with most materials I have used (PETG, PETG+Carbon fibre, PLA, TPU)


    Mixed results with Nylon+carbon fibre, some good some got loose. Failure might be due to getting lazy not cleaning the PEI after every print since the other materials dont require that.


    They have a special sheet for nylon but I have not yet bought one.


    Dont use their standard build sheet together with automatic levelling if you are printing on an Ultimaker. They heat the print cores during levelling and that makes the core dig in and destroy the build sheet.  Learned that the hard way.

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