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Posts posted by GregValiant

    1. Add a support blocker.  It's going to be used as a Mesh Modifier.  In the object list on the lower left of the screen it's called an Eraser.  You can select it there.
    2. Move it and scale it to your satisfaction so it covers that whole end of the part.  When scaling - turn off "Uniform Scaling" to make each axis independent.  When you're happy with the location make sure that the support block Z is at 0.  If you find that you need to rotate the block you should do that last.
    3. Select the support blocker.  Select "Per Model Settings" (the tool above the support blocker tool).  Select the third option over - "Modify settings for overlaps".
    4. Wall thickness and top/bottom thickness are defaults and you can set them to high numbers.  You can choose to add "Infill Density" and set it to 100%.

    Slice the model and check the preview.  Everything covered by the support blocker should be solid and the rest of the model should reflect your regular Cura settings.

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  1. The layer height may be input at 3 decimal places.  In your example, if the layer height was .143 and Initial Layer Height was .142 you would (theoretically) end up at exactly 1.00.

    BUT...If that block had a step at .5, then the step would end up at .428.


    I don't know the Ultimaker machines so this next refers to my Creality machine.

    Given the 1mm tall block and all layer heights at .15 then at the start of the top layer I could change the Home Offset Z with an "M206 Z-0.1".  The result would be to fool the printer into moving the last layer up an additional 0.1mm.   But all the E numbers for the top layer were calculated at a Layer Height of .15 which I have effectively turned into .25 and so the flow is wrong.  An M226 S166 would be required to adjust the flow to compensate.  That's a lot of Flow for my hot end.  It might be necessary to reduce the speed as well so M225 S33 to drop the speed by about the same amount as I increased the flow.  At the end of the Gcode file I would need to straighten all that out setting the Home Offset, Flow and Speed back to the defaults.  It would certainly be easier if Cura could admit that it needs another layer of  0.1 height to complete the print.

    But what if the step was the important feature and needed to be an exact height?  What if I had a 40mm tall part with 10 steps of varying height that were all important?


    "Everything effects everything" and taking the human mind out of the loop and letting the software decide what's important isn't ready for prime time yet.

  2. Nice.  When I bought the 1000 (2010) it came with a Windjammer fairing.  I've been thinking about a Vesco Rabid Transit for it but even junky ones go for an arm and a leg.  Hey, maybe I can print one!!


    A friend had 11 BMW's in his barn.   Once in a while I'd ride one with him just to give them some exercise.  All 11 were black.  My favorites were the K75's.  They were quick and sporty and handled really well.

    A few years ago I did a ground up on a 73 Vespa 150.  At 45 miles/hr it was the most exciting thing I ever rode.  I couldn't take a hand off the bars to wipe my nose.

  3. The hole test.  I know it's a mess but the point was to get as many holes in as possible.  I'm leaving room for someone to ace this test.  I had the nozzle size down to .05.  I started thinking about the resolution of the STL file.




    Next is my block.  Holes from .01mm diameter to 2.2mm diameter and with a realistic 0.2 nozzle.  The block is 20 x 20 x 10 high.

    Before exporting the block from AutoCad I scaled it up 100 times.  When I loaded it into Cura I scaled it back down to 20 x 20 x 10.  The resolution seems to have scaled as well.  The .01 and .02 dia holes are ignored.  The .03 hole is there but is not round.  The .04 hole is almost round.  From .08 up they look like holes.  Setting the Minimum Polygon Circumference to .001 seemed to help.







  4. @gr5 covered the Support Blocker / Mesh Modifier way to do it.  I started wondering about making adjustments to STL files when you don't have the CAD model to work with.  I drew a 1 x 1 x 1 block with a 1mm R fillet, brought it into Cura along with your SpeedBrake part, scaled it, placed it (the rotation is tough) and then sliced it.  Nice.

    As shown - I scaled the fillet model 3 x 3 x 25.  It then has the effect of a 3mm R fillet.  Using the fillet and a support blocker as @gr5 suggests (with the overlaps set to 100% infill (or lots of walls)) and I think the part would be about as good as it's going to get using FDM.


    Attached you will find one fillet in kit form.



    1x1x1 Fillet.stl

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  5. I haven't gotten that deep into it but I am using it for parts with lots of radii.


    I did find a downside.  I have my own pause routine that sends M25 to pause a print.  When using G1 commands and printing around a 65mm diameter cylinder - the M25 gets acted on after about .2 seconds (7 lines of Gcode).  When using G2-3 commands it takes a while (up to 35 seconds) for the M25 to get to the front of the queue to pause the print.  It can be an issue if I'm pausing to do a hot pull to clear a bowden problem or making an emergency adjustment to save a print.


    Edit:  The same issue occurs when attempting to adjust Flow, Speed, Hot End Temp, Bed Temp or Fan speed during a print.  It takes a long time for the queue to move.  I don't think this can be addressed (at least not on my Ender with Marlin 1.1.8).

  6. G92 E0
    G92 E0
    G1 F1200 E-3.5


    I had trouble with that line delaying extrusion for the skirt.  There is a prime move later in the code (G1 F1200 E0 just after the ";Skirt" line), but it wasn't enough.  This is my fix:

    With the Search and Replace plugin active, set the Search criteria to "G1 F1200 E-3.5" and set the replace criteria to "G92 E-5".  Since there is no longer a retraction, just a reset to -5, when the G1 F1200 E0 line is acted on by the printer, the extruder pushes 5mm of filament to get to E=0.  That's a good prime and usually results in a slight blob at the start of the skirt or brim.  The down side is that if you change the retraction speed, or the retraction distance in Cura, the Search line changes and the Search and Replace plugin won't see it.  So when changing Retraction Speed or Distance you must change the search criteria of the plugin.

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  7. That is a lot of retraction.  The line is there to work with the later line G1 F1500 E0 and provide a prime, but it often isn't enough to bring the pressure up in the melting area of the nozzle.

    I use the Search and Replace plugin.  Search for "G1 F1500 E-10" and replace with "G92 E-10".  It will leave a puddle when it starts extruding, but it will start extruding right away.  Going to less of a reset (like G92 E-5) will make the puddle smaller.

  8. The travel move I mentioned is that back-and-forth shuffle you see in the preview.  I'm in compatibility mode so I can't show that.


    It looks like a bug.  I'll put it up on GitHub and see what the Cura Team makes of it.  It's odd that the shuffle move is "in plane" with no related move in the Z.  I got the same results with 4.6.2 and 4.8.

  9. I was running out of settings to change and then I changed "Special Modes / Surface Mode" from "Normal" to "Surface".  The preview now looks like I would expect from Spiralize.

    The Gcode still shows this at the end of every layer...

    G1 X112.316 Y102.217 Z3 E39.86493
    G0 F7200 X112.309 Y102.178

    So it appears there is still a travel move. I would set Travel speed = Print Speed.  That might mitigate the Travel move.

  10. This has come up before.  @Torgeir and I decided it's not a Z seam, but it is definitely an XY seam

    This is from the "Vase With Seam.Gcode" file it's the last layer start:

    G1 X195.161 Y139.018 Z164.87 E1103.0416
    M204 S4000
    M205 X25 Y25
    G0 F9000 X195.05 Y139.184
    G0 X194.9 Y138.862

    M204 S500
    M205 X5 Y5
    G1 F600 X193.737 Y140.59 Z164.872 E1103.1069


    The two bold lines are travel moves at 150mm/sec.  Then the last line shows extrusion starting again at 10mm/sec.  Those two quick shuffle moves will create a seam in the same plane (no Z move there).  G0 lines like that occur at the end of every layer.  There will be a seam line because of them.


    When I sliced the Vase.STL file I got this with Cura 4.8.  Slicing with Cura 4.6.1 yielded similar results.


    You can see little jig-jogs all the way down to the bottom layers.  It is not a Z seam but it's likely noticeable.


    The other discussion is HERE.

  11. Can you post a Gcode file that shows the problem?  I have a feeling that your problem is different than the above.


    In the meantime a clumsy fix is to use the Search and Replace plugin and set the Search field to "G1 F1200 E-9.5" and the Replace field to";G1 F1200 E-9.5".  The difference is the semi-colon in front that turns the line from a command to a comment.  You can also open a Gcode file and add the semi-colon manually.

  12. Did you look at the line in the Gcode file?


    Your line in the Machine Settings End G-code says: G1 X130 Y200{MACHINE_DEPTH}  ;Present Print

    But {MACHINE_DEPTH} is a Cura magic word and in your case means 300.  So the line in your Gcode file probably came out as:  G1 X130 Y200300  ;Present Print


    So change that End G-code line to simply "G1 X130 Y295" and you should be safe.


  13. Cura always puts these lines right after my start-up Gcode:

    G92 E0

    G92 E0

    G1 F2700 E-5

    and then before the start of the skirt or brim

    G1 F2700 E0


    There is always some oozing before the prime line gcode which negates it's value so it takes a while to actually start extruding.  There is a strip of little dots that gets dragged around through the area where the real print will be, and if it doesn't get struck to the nozzle, it effects the print.  My work around is to Search and Replace the G1 F2700 E-5 with G92 E-5.  This does result in a blob at the start of the skirt, but it's going in the trash anyway.  The area of the print is clean.

    The only real downside is that if I change either the retract amount or the retraction speed the Gcode line changes and I have to remember to change the Search criteria of the plugin.


    Regarding additional prime lines off to the side - install an Ender 3 printer in Cura.  Go into the Start-Up gcode and steal the prime lines and paste them into your printer's Start-Up gcode.  It makes 4 prime lines up the left side of the build plate (double check the Y values to make sure they aren't beyond your build plate Max Y).  They can get in the way with wide prints so I opt for the Search fix described above.

  14. Time to learn some Gcode.  The MarlinFW site has descriptions of the all the possible G and M commands.  Not all are enabled in your firmware.  Speed is "feedrate" in Gcode and is the "F" parameter in a G1 or G0 line and is in mm/minute.


    Open the Gcode file in any text editor (like "Notepad").  I suggest you go through the Gcode line-by-line.  When you come across a command you don't know, go to the Marlin site and read the descriptions of both the command and it's parameters.  EX:  G28 is Auto-Home, G92 sets a location and appears often to re-set the Extruder location.

    Many of the your settings in Cura are used in background calculations and aren't really numbers that will be expressed in the Gcode file.  Instead, what you will see in the Gcode is the result of those calculations.  If your initial layer speed is 25mm/sec then there will be lines like G1 F1500 X123.45 Y123.0 E1234.23456.  If your Print Speed is 50mm/sec then later you'll see lines with F3000 as the speed (50mm/sec * 60sec/minute).  If you adjust the feedrate using your LCD the numbers in the Gcode file don't change but the PrinterPlanner will make an adjustment to them on-the-fly.


    The layer cooling blower is controlled by M106 and goes from 0 - 255.  In Cura (and on your LCD), it's expressed as a percentage of 255.  To make things more confusing either M106 S0 or M107 turns the fan off.  You will see one or the other at the end of the Gcode file when the print is finished.  The E values are expressed as "mm of filament" and are cumulative until about 4130mm and then they reset to 0 and start going up again (it's a math thing).


    Sitting on your desk is a computer running Cura.  Over there on your workbench is your 3D printer.  The only thing that goes between them is the Gcode file.  That's why you need to have some understanding of what's in it and how it works.

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