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Everything posted by mer10

  1. I am running into exactly this 50% stuck issue with the latest posted FW 8.3.1 img. Are there other images I should try and where are they?
  2. Does anyone have a solution for this yet? I have the same trouble here with my propeller and foil edges. Random support creation, some patterns work better than others but it’s a hit and miss. Often thin edges are completely missed. Thanks
  3. Thanks @Smithy, you are describing exactly what the problem is. I am in contact with ProtoPasta and also with Ultimaker. Seems like ProtoPasta didn't have access to a material station when developing this material profile. We removed the material station for now until that's resolved. Thank you.
  4. Hi @DivingDuck, never too late, still trying to understand what the slicer is doing here. I tried disabling the support towers but there is no change. Same unexplainable support material "growth" on the top surface (also with the 4.8 beta, upgraded yesterday because of critical fixes around the 3mf workflow). But thanks for your suggestions... still looking for help with this mystery (or bug?)
  5. Dear S5 Material Station experts, We are having trouble sending the Ultimaker premium materials to the Material Station. In our case we are using the Original Carbon Fiber Composite HTPLA from Proto-pasta. The material profile is provided in the S5 Material premium section. That is important to us, we only want to use materials which have been tested and are supported on the S5. All our S5 machines without material station receive this material without problem. However the material station doesn't take this material profile, so we can't print. Our reseller suggested to use the following workaround: If it is carbon fiber HTPLA, the best way to proceed is to choose the NylonX profile on the Material Station and load the filament, making sure that you are using a CC Print Core 0.6mm. In Cura, select the NylonX profile, but change the hot end temperature to 220C, the bed temperature to 60C and the filament fan should be turned to 100%. Retraction should not be adjusted. Just make sure that it is about 3.5mm to 4.5mm. Once the slice is completed, you can send the print file via Wi-Fi to the printer. If so, then make sure to "override" the error notification using the Cura Factory printer monitor SaaS software. If you export to a USB drive, then you will have to physically "override" the error on the printer's LCD screen. Is that what everyone is doing here? I hope there is a better way to work with the Material Station and premium materials. Thank you, Merten
  6. Sorry, I don't understand how this relates to my problem.
  7. Hi @GabrielLeo, thanks for your reply. I am not clear about what you are suggesting. I need the support placement to be "everywhere" for this setup, with just "touching the buildplate" other parts of the model will fail. I am just trying to understand why Cura adds support on a top surface when it's not necessary for supporting any structure above. Seems like a bug unless there is some setting I can tune to get rid of that top-support placement?
  8. Thanks @nallath, good to hear. We are looking forward to 4.8.
  9. I appreciate your idea. We have multiple S5 printers in some locations. Assuming that workaround would work, we could then only print on the one printer with that name per location. Hope there is a better way. Thank you.
  10. Our goal is to share print setups and replicate the same results around the world on different S5 machines. 3MF looked promising, it encodes the 3D models, bed placement, material and all the Cura settings. Unfortunately it seem to encode the exact S5 printer as well (like my MertenS5 when I save a 3MF). When my colleague opens the 3MF (open as project) in another location my MertenS5 is added to his printer list. Changing it to a local S5 printer changes the settings. With this limitation we can’t replicate the same results around the world on different S5 machines. What are we doing wrong? Is there a way to change printers and keep all the settings? The printers are all S5, we have the exact same filaments everywhere, some S5s have the material station. Thanks, Merten
  11. Cura (4.7.1) is adding support on the top surface and I can't figure out how to fix this issue. I noticed that this doesn't happen when I set the max overhang angle > 55deg but I'd like to keep it around 45deg. Any ideas are much appreciated. Thank you, Merten
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