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Everything posted by broutilde

  1. So I would like to give a huge thank you to @Smithy and @gr5, you guys helped me out of this situation. I took time to look at my nozzle when printing and adjusted all the knobs like gr5 suggested, and could finally judge the "squishiness" of the filament. I only had to turn 1/4 turn ccw and it worked! I have a better idea now of what to look for when it comes to the plate/nozzle distance. I also bought some hairspray and it's working great. @Smithy do you clean the hairspray every print? Or do you add more layers? I might get another plate if I have to take it out and clean it every print. Again, thank you so much guys, I felt defeated and dumb and now I feel like I can make it work!
  2. I wish I had someone on hand who could come and show me. I feel lost. I tried to squish more, it's still making a nice little ball of PETG. I tried the calibration card too, and the nozzle is nicely scratching its surface but lightly. I tried to reduce the speed to 30 too. Tonight I'll try to squish even more, will clean my plate and restart from 0. It stresses me out a lot as I have orders in and don't want to disappoint people. Sighs.
  3. Hi! Hope you're all doing well. I have a 2+ that I've been using for two months, printing quite a lot as I'm making a PETG mount that started having a lot of success on Etsy. Anyways I decided to do some light maintenance on my printer yesterday: lubricating the axle and retightening the hot end isolator. After doing the latter, I thought it would be wise to level the build plate (which is something I do pretty often). I started printing some PETG components again and the filament wouldn't stick. I usually apply a thin layer of stick glue. I haven't changed anything, it's the same file that I'm using, same filament (Polymaker Polymax 2.85mm), same everything. I removed and cleaned the glass plate, printing directly on it without glue this time. It stuck so well that I couldn't remove my prints afterwards hahaha... Now I'm trying again with a thin layer of glue, after leveling the plate for the 4th time..Still not sticking. Anything else I should try to do? I'm at my wits end and have many orders to fulfill. Thank you E.
  4. Thank you, I'll contact them to see what they can do on Etsy. I don't want to buy bulk as I have no storage and already have trouble making my new "business" fit in my apartment.
  5. Hi everyone, So I recently designed a specific magnetic mount (nothing crazy) that I started to sell on Etsy and well... I thought that it could be a good niche market, but I'm now overwhelmed with orders! While it's a good thing, I would like to find a PETG filament that would allow me to save a bit of money. I started with the Ultimaker filament, then switched to Polymaker, which is really good too. Is there anything else on the market that could fit my needs on a smaller budget? I am looking for a 2.85 mm PETG filament that comes in black (and white, but I'm selling way less white mounts), is very strong (mount hold a fairly heavy fan for it size) and prints clean but it doesn't have to be absolutely perfect as I am printing in "normal" quality while infill is at 60. Thank you for your recommendations! I am located in Canada (Vancouver) if it helps. Amazon or local, I don't mind!
  6. Hello everyone, So I started printing a frag rack this morning with petg filament. It's large, and takes all my printer's bed (Ultimaker 2+ connect). I had to abort and retry a few times to get a first good layer, but then it went well for the first part of the project (basically a plate with holes) which was about 10 hours. Then when it started printing the legs, it all went to sh**. I had to stop the printing session as the whole legs ended up being a ball of cotton candy instead of real leggs, and can basically toss the piece I have. What went wrong? For whatever reason, the base of the legs is hollow (see picture) I have no idea why, maybe that's why it didn't stick when printing? Thanks for your help. E. rack.3mf
  7. It worked! However like you said, it looks quite unreadable. I'll try to stick it inwards see if it looks better. Thanks again!
  8. Hey! I just came back home to your message. Thank you I'll try to print right away!
  9. Hello everyone, I created a simple design on Fusion 360 that has an embossed image (leaf) and also an embossed text , both on the same surface. Whole design is shown perfectly on Cura before slicing and printing. However, the printer doesn't print the embossed text. Is there a reason for that? could it be that it's too small? Thank you E.
  10. Hello everyone! My friend just lent me his brand new Ultimaker 2+ connect so I can have fun. So far as a total noob I'm not sucking too much, I'm even creating simple stuff on Autodesk Fusion 360. Today I'm trying to prepare a file that I found on thingiverse (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4754382) but can't slice it. I don't really understand why, the rack is smaller than the Ultimaker bed frame, so it should fit. Can anyone help? Thank you for your time, E.
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