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Everything posted by Tim_Felbinger

  1. Just saw your post after a lot more work in the ssh terminal of the UM3. I would tend to agree your method is far simpler and definitely the one I would have gone with had I understood it previously. That being said, more progress has been made: I have gotten the printer to not complain about the CC print core in it. I can even send the print via the cloud print utility and it shows up correctly. The generic PLA material is natively compatible with the CC print core on S3/S5 and that compatibility its set in the material file stored /usr/share/fdm_materials/generic_pla.xml.fdm_material. All I had to do was add the following under the list of hotend's supported for that printer. <hotend id="CC 0.6"> <setting key="hardware compatible">yes</setting> <setting key="standby temperature">100</setting> <setting key="retraction amount">6.5</setting> </hotend> I have now gone into CURA and made a copy of the generic PLA profile and copied over all the setting from the official matter hackers NylonX and saved that as a profile. I haven't tested the NylonX print yet since I didn't want to get out my drybox, but I did send a print with normal PLA through the CC 0.6 print core and the printer, CURA, and the cloud print portal all seem happy.
  2. Have you found a solution to this yet? I also have a UM3 with bond tech extruders installed and am wanting to print with the CC 0.6 print core, mostly to print NylonX and NylonG. After seeing your post today, I played around with CURA package files and made some progress getting the CC print core to show up for the UM3. (I have not tried printing yet) After much experimenting and browsing the CURA package files, I found that the cores are controlled through the printer 'variants'. On Mac, these files are found /Applications/Ultimaker Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/variants I simply made a copy of the ultimaker_s3_cc06.inst.cfg file and renamed it to ultimaker3_cc06.inst.cfg and then edited the definition field inside the file to Ultimaker 3 matching for format of the um3 aa0.4 file. The final ultimaker3_cc06.inst.cfg looks like this: [general] name = CC 0.6 version = 4 definition = ultimaker3 [metadata] setting_version = 19 type = variant hardware_type = nozzle [values] brim_width = 7 machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed = 0.9 machine_nozzle_id = CC 0.6 machine_nozzle_size = 0.6 raft_acceleration = =acceleration_print raft_airgap = 0.3 raft_base_thickness = =resolveOrValue('layer_height_0') * 1.2 raft_interface_line_spacing = =raft_interface_line_width + 0.2 raft_interface_line_width = =line_width * 2 raft_interface_thickness = =layer_height * 1.5 raft_jerk = =jerk_print raft_margin = 15 raft_surface_layers = 2 retraction_count_max = 25 retraction_min_travel = =line_width * 2 retraction_prime_speed = =retraction_speed speed_infill = =speed_print speed_layer_0 = 20 speed_print = 45 speed_support = =speed_topbottom speed_topbottom = =math.ceil(speed_print * 25 / 45) speed_travel_layer_0 = 50 speed_wall = =math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 45) speed_wall_0 = =math.ceil(speed_wall * 25 / 30) speed_wall_x = =speed_wall support_angle = 60 support_bottom_distance = =support_z_distance / 2 support_pattern = zigzag support_top_distance = =support_z_distance support_use_towers = True support_z_distance = =layer_height * 2 switch_extruder_prime_speed = =switch_extruder_retraction_speeds switch_extruder_retraction_amount = =machine_heat_zone_length top_bottom_thickness = =layer_height * 6 wall_thickness = =line_width * 3 I am however still having issues with NylonX showing as not compatible, but I assume this is due to the material file not being compatible with the UM3. I'm not sure where CURA stores 3rd party material files though, so will have to keep playing with this to get it to work. If anyone knows where these are stored, please do let me know. Hopefully this helps you make some progress on your end. Would be super interested what your status is on getting this to work. -Tim
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