This fix is for connecting an Ender-3 Neo to a Mac over USB using Cura 5.2.1. This might work for other Ender printers too.
I did not have to install any custom drivers since MacOS comes with them preinstalled.
Plug in the printer via USB and open, type in ls /dev (that will list the contents of the /dev folder, which is where all connected devices are listed). Look in the output list for tty.usbserial-10 or cu.usbserial-10. If they are there, then the printer is connected to the OS.
Right click on the > Show Package Contents.
Navigate to Contents > Resources > share > cura > plugins > USBPrinting and open in your favorite text editor (I use Visual Studio Code since it is free).
Edit line 86 and change it from port_list = self.getSerialPortList(only_list_usb=True) to port_list = self.getSerialPortList(only_list_usb=False)
Save the file and close it.
Now open Cura and go to the Monitor tab. You should see a bunch of new menu items that indicate that your printer is now connected.
So, what did you change? You edited the only_list_usb parameter from True to False, allowing the serial port scanner to check for usb serial ports that are not listed with the name starting with USB (all caps). Ours start with tty and cu.
Hope this helps someone! Happy printing.