No I didn't. For now until a more advancedfirmware/software it's out I just use simplify3d to set the z offset of the second extruder (or the first depends on who it's lower than the other to avoid the problem of the z stop).
I change g code offset for each extruder processes, and level the bed to the higher extruder. Ofc on my system I have 2mm margin of error on the parking system and that helps, but it's good enough to avoid crash on the bed. For extruder 0 offset 0 and for extruder 1 I set a 0.8 offset, the bed lowers when it changes. Bless the software =)
- 8 months later...
Anyone get anywhere on this? I wish slic3r had this option, but for now I'm trying firmware implementation. When I comment out the ifs it seems to work (compiles/uploads fine) and when I send M218 T0 Xxxx Yyyy Zzzz (works fine), but when I send M218 T1 Xxxx Yyyy Zzzz (or even just M218 T0 Xxxx Yyyy) it freezes. I'm thinking there are other areas that have if statements that expect dual_x_carriage to be defined, and are therefor not working...
NEVERMIND I GOT IT! You just have to comment out another if here:
// Extruder offsets
#define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X { 0 }
#define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y { 0 }
float extruder_offset[][EXTRUDERS] = {
, { 0 } // supports offsets in XYZ plane
and the original, both in marlin_main:
* M218 - set hotend offset (in mm), T X Y
inline void gcode_M218() {
if (setTargetedHotend(218)) return;
if (code_seen('X')) extruder_offset[X_AXIS][target_extruder] = code_value();
if (code_seen('Y')) extruder_offset[Y_AXIS][target_extruder] = code_value();
if (code_seen('Z')) extruder_offset[Z_AXIS][target_extruder] = code_value();
for (int e = 0; e < EXTRUDERS; e++) {
#endif // EXTRUDERS > 1
Edited by Guestsolved!
- 1
Nice one!
- 1 year later...
ok, another year went by and there is another guy like to use the z offset... :-)
So IF I set all a.m. modifications
AND define a new variable EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Z in configuration.h in the area of offset definition
// Offset of the extruders (uncomment if using more than one and relying on firmware to position when changing).// The offset has to be X=0, Y=0, Z=0 for the extruder 0 hotend (default extruder, T0).// For the other hotends it is their distance from the extruder 0 hotend.// #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X {0.0, 20.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the X axis// #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y {0.0, 5.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the Y axis#define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Z {0.0, 1.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the Z axis
AND put it in the correct area of marlin_main.ccp (incl. commenting out the dual stuff),
// Extruder offset#if EXTRUDERS > 1//#ifndef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE// #define NUM_EXTRUDER_OFFSETS 2 // only in XY plane//#else #define NUM_EXTRUDER_OFFSETS 3 // supports offsets in XYZ plane//#endiffloat extruder_offset[NUM_EXTRUDER_OFFSETS][EXTRUDERS] = {#if defined(EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X) && defined(EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y) && defined(EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Z) EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X, EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y, EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Z#endif};#endif
it should be possible to define the z offset during compilation and no need for M218 - isn't??
Well, I'm using a Marlin version of 2014, so it might look a bit different now.
(but my UMO runs fine on it... so why change a running system) :-)
Edited by Guest
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pbrgle1 0
Hey. I was just wondering the same thing. I just built a dual x carrige printer and the heads have 0.5mm height difference. Did you figure it out?
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