Other than setting your steps per E and filament diameter ou shouldn't need to calibrate your printer with cura. Did you run through the first run wizard that walks you through checking all your endstops and such? If you're hitting the limits of travel but not hitting the correct end stop then your stepper for that axis will miss lots of steps (all of them) and make a horrible noise. If you've confirmed that all the end stop switches are plugged in to the correct locations on the board then you need to make sure they are adjusted so they will be hit before the physical limits of the x-y gantry are reached. To do that you loosen the two screws on each switch and push it in toward the center of the machine. You might as well adjust them in all the way unless you simply MUST have the absolute maximum build volume.
As for the fan, cura does not turn on the fan for the first layer. This is to promote adhesion of your first layer to the blue painter's tape. If you are getting pas the first layer and still the fan is not on then you need to double check the fan's connector. If you're convinced that the fan is connected correctly you can always test it manually in PrintRun (installed with Cura). Connect to your printer and send the command M106 S255 by typing it into the text box at the bottom-right of the window and hitting the Send button. If your fan comes on it's wired correctly. To turn it off again just send M106 S0
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almal 0
I find the second problem I had invert the conection of the limite X stop
bur I don't know how work the fan near the extrudor head
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