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Posted · Colorfabb Clear Green PLA PHA not printing

So this is likely a topic done to death, but the new forum has made searching so hard,

so i recently capitalised on ultimakers sale where they were trying to get rid of old stick, and with that i ordered some clear, but it does not seem to want to print, the knurled bolt just grinds, no matter how loose or tight i have the wheel that applies pressure set,

printing at 220c, 40mm/s. on ultimaker original V1 (kit built)

when i go to the Ulti-controller and choose to extrude filament, it work perfectly fine, its just when its under pressure of the printing bed it wont feed. maybe just lower the print bed slightly?

since switching back to some lovely colorfabb leaf green, its printing fine, so i doubt there is a jam anywhere?

any tips? i bet GR5 has some all encompassing tutorial somewhere!

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    Posted · Colorfabb Clear Green PLA PHA not printing

    Hello 0235,

    The title of this post might be wrong, I read that ColorFabb is printing fine, the transparent of Ultimaker not.

    "since switching back to some lovely colorfabb leaf green, its printing fine"

    Since extruding with the ulticontroller is going fine thit seems there is no problem with your knurled bolt, spring tension on that bolt, bowden tube or nozzle.

    As you say it yourself, just turn the threaded rod at the clamp a little down when the print starts.

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