What is your layer height? Assuming it is 0.1mm then you have Cura still ramping up the fans where you set the tweak and the fans are reduced again after the tweak. TweakAtZ does not override Cura settings which come after the tweak.
"Fans only seem to come on using the "Cool" section of Cura and no Tweak at Z activated."
I'm mistaken, the fans did not come on at all with either control. I found that I had fans zeroed in the custom material menu on the UM2 itself. They need to be set to 100%. This seems to override any commands in the gcode. Whats odd though is that the gcode can override the other settings.
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Dim3nsioneer 558
What is your layer height? Assuming it is 0.1mm then you have Cura still ramping up the fans where you set the tweak and the fans are reduced again after the tweak. TweakAtZ does not override Cura settings which come after the tweak.
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