In order to swap out the driver chips I would not to desolder the existing one and resolder a new one on, correct? At the moment, I don't trust my soldering skills on the tiny legs of those chips...
You can just swap over the complete sub board, they just pull out , just make sure that you plug them in the correct way , because the extruder driver faces the opposite way to the other 3
Umo+ uses the same um2 board. You need to desolder to do that. I would contact or the company that sold you the kit since that sounds weird and could just be a faulty board. Who knows maybe it's just a dead cable.
Also to do a full clean of the nozzle/block/etc. Boil them with a bit of salt and vinegar for as long as you need. Or use a airdryer to keep all hot while you clean them.
To avoid filament leaks assemble as follow:
Do everything as the manual but let the nozzle just a little tinny not totally (in) (just a tinny little gap). Then put the heat barrel insulator (the one with the peek). When all its tight (don't over do it just well fit) set the nozzle assembled and preheat to 200C. Then with the propper tools hold the aluminium block and tight the nozzle for good.
The problem with how the manual assembly it's done it's that without a propper fit on 'heat' the thermal expansion of the metal will most likely leave a gap for the filament to leak.
Thanks for your help, guys. Turns out I'm stupid and forgot that there's a safety feature that the extruder motor won't move unless you're heating the hot end (which makes sense), so I didn't actually have a problem with the extruder motor channel.
I ended up cleaning my block/nozzle/heat pipe up using a soldering iron to heat them up and a wet paper towel and Q-tips to wipe away the plastic. It wasn't great, but I got most of it off. I also really appreciate the tip about tightening up everything in the hot end while it's hot, that definitely solved the leaky plastic issue, which (I think) was the original cause of the problem in the first place.
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adamp2006 2
Just a quick thought, have you tried swapping over the driver chip for a known working one (i.e the Y axis one) in your case it could well be that the chip overheated and its fried itself as alot of your symptoms are what lead me down the bath of lowering the power to my extruder in the first place, failing prints and blocked heads were common place before i did.
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