On the new CuraEngine (of Cura >= 15.06) use
./CuraEngine slice -s layer_height=0.2
You can type
./CuraEngine --help
to get more info on how to use the tool.
What version of CuraEngine are you using?
On the new CuraEngine (of Cura >= 15.06) use
./CuraEngine slice -s layer_height=0.2
You can type
./CuraEngine --help
to get more info on how to use the tool.
What version of CuraEngine are you using?
I'm using cura 15.04.
But it'd be much easier if I could directly load an .ini profile.
The problem I have is that when I try this i get the following error:
Default config 'default.cfg' not used?
Config(C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.04\MCF.ini): Line zd: No key value pair found
Failed to read config 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.04\MCF.ini'
I generated this profile on cura's GUI and it works fine there.
Why it's not working on the command line? What could be wrong??
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nallath 1,125
That manual is old. Depending on what version of the engine you use, a lot of things changed. I'll poke one of the engine devs to give you a full answer.
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