We didn't change anything with 15.06.03 in a long time. This was a very buggy release, so I strongly recommend that you stop using this. Switch to the latest release if you want more stability. You can find it on http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/?C=M;O=D
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SandervG 1,522
Thank you for your post.
Originally I thought I was gonna read a proposal to put an Ultimaker on every startup company
@Nallath, do you know if anything is changed to 15.06.03 version?
The version you are running is listed under Beta.
As an alternative you could try an older version of Cura, like 15.04.3
I don't think this has anything to do with your firmware.
Do you keep the USB plugged in or do you remove it after updating the firmware?
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