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Posted · Cura won't connect to my Ultimaker

I just installed Cura on my PC. I had been using RepG with my Ultimaker for about a year with no problems. I decided to upgrade to Cura and upgrade to Marlin.

When I run the activation wizard, it can't connect to my Ultimaker. The software runs fine, and lets me set up a model to print, but it can't connect. I've attached an image that has some of my basic driver/pc info.

Please let me know if you need more information to help diagnose my problem.

Thank You,


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    Posted · Cura won't connect to my Ultimaker

    Maybe something else is still "connected" to the serial port, the port needs to be free for Cura to connect. And serial ports in Windows can get into a "limbo" state, where windows thinks an application still is connected to it.


    -Disconnecting the USB cable

    -Restarting your computer

    -Start Cura

    -Connect the USB cable

    -Try upgrading the firmware.

    If that fails, could you try pressing the "print" button, that should show a new screen which fails to connect, but it will show a "error log", this error log might help in diagnosing the problem.

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    Posted · Cura won't connect to my Ultimaker

    Sorry for the delayed response, I've been under the weather lately. Unfortunately I'm still having trouble connecting to the printer. Below is the error log from a failed print attempt:


    Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Opening serial port'

    Connecting to: COM3

    Connected to: Serial(port=u'COM3', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.1, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor

    Changing monitoring state from 'Opening serial port' to 'Detecting baudrate'

    Trying baudrate: 250000

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 230400

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 115200

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 57600

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 38400

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 19200

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 9600

    Send: M105

    Changing monitoring state from 'Detecting baudrate' to 'Closed'

    Changing monitoring state from 'Closed' to 'Error: No more baudrates to...'

    Connection closed, closing down monitor

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    Posted · Cura won't connect to my Ultimaker

    As none of the baudrates seem to respond with anything, it could be that there is an issue with your Arduino or electronics. Try carefully lifting the Arduino from the main PCB and see if it will connect then.

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    Posted · Cura won't connect to my Ultimaker

    I'm having the same problems -- (but with the Replicator 2). Serial port connects fine, it chokes on finding a baudrate.

    (Sorry for the invasion but this was the only place I could find somebody asking the same question).

    Get the same error log. Using 12.11.


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    Posted · Cura won't connect to my Ultimaker


    i am as new as they come to the Ultimaker. I just assambled one and tried to get it working.

    Now I am stuck with a simple connection problem and can't find a way to fix it.

    I run cura on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

    it starts normally and I run the first run wizard. When I try to update the marlin firmware I hear a sound like one of the motors turning(i don't see any movement) and then the process times out.

    If i skip the process and get to the checkup I get a connection error with the following error log:

    Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Detecting serial port'

    Serial port list: ['/dev/ttyACM0']

    Connecting to: /dev/ttyACM0

    Error while connecting to /dev/ttyACM0: 'Timeout'

    Failed to open serial port (AUTO)

    Changing monitoring state from 'Detecting serial port' to 'Error: Failed to autodetect...'

    I allready set the access rights but still get no connection?

    What else could i try?

    Thanks in advance,



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