The red areas in xray view are causing the problem. They are extra internal walls or holes.
cura pases a line from your eye through the model and out. If it passes through an odd number of walls it colors it red indicating a serious problem with the model (not manifold). You can try the "fix horrible" settings in cura - one of those checkboxes might fix it but there are 11 possible configurations of checkboxes to try (never click both A and B). Instead try to fix your model - maybe use netfabb website which is incredibly easy to use and will fix these red areas.
Thanks, I'll work on fixing that now. Hopefully that's a solution to all of it.
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gr5 2,265
The red areas in xray view are causing the problem. They are extra internal walls or holes.
cura pases a line from your eye through the model and out. If it passes through an odd number of walls it colors it red indicating a serious problem with the model (not manifold). You can try the "fix horrible" settings in cura - one of those checkboxes might fix it but there are 11 possible configurations of checkboxes to try (never click both A and B). Instead try to fix your model - maybe use netfabb website which is incredibly easy to use and will fix these red areas.
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