I have a Prusa I3 style printer as well and found this wiki on PID Tuning very helpful:
After you have found the correct PID settings, you can save same to the EEPROM via the M500 command (its all covered in that Wiki). So there's no need to put them in the startup g-code.
Hope this helps.
So, just to clarify, I would enter in those new PID values through Pronterface, then save them via the M500 command so that the printer uses those every time it starts a print instead.
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DaHai8 74
I have a Prusa I3 style printer as well and found this wiki on PID Tuning very helpful:
PID Tuning - RepRapWiki
After you have found the correct PID settings, you can save same to the EEPROM via the M500 command (its all covered in that Wiki). So there's no need to put them in the startup g-code.
Hope this helps.
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