What exactly are you changing on the controller?
The proper way is to change the feed rate (percentage) from the status display.
Yes, that is where I am attempting to change the speed. In the past, this would adjust all speeds in proportion the the UC feed percentage displayed on the main screen. Currently for me, it is not altering the speed. I am wondering if the individual speeds I set in Cura are over riding any change I make at the UC, or if the something in my start code is preventing the controller from affecting the speed.
I will slice something with old Cura and with the same start code to try and narrow down the problem
This has nothing to do with the slicer.
Marlin factors the speed/flow by the feed rate percentage so it overrides everything.
But be aware that changing the feed rate has no immediate effect, it first needs to flush the already processed commands in the print buffer. I particular when it prints slowly long straights (e.g. bottom layer) it can take some time before you can see the actual change.
Right, I am aware of the lag to clear the buffer before the speed change. What I am seeing is a behavior abnormal to the past 4 years. I can say that I haven't installed firmware for over a year.
I haven't had an opportunity to slice something in the old Cura to make a comparison because I am in the middle of customer work. Testing will have to wait a bit.
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mastory 44
I should mention that I also have speeds set individually in Cura 2.3.1
print speed 50mm/s
infill speed 60mm/s
outer wall speed 40mm/sec
inner wall speed 50mm/sec
top/bottom 40mm/sec
Are these taking precedence over input to the Ulticontroller?
Ideally, I'd like to keep these relative speed settings, and be able to increase or decrease them in proportion with the Ulticontroller while printing.
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