In Cura, change View Mode to X-Ray and look for any Red areas - these are errors in the object, like open manifolds.
In Sketchup, install the Solid Inspector2 tool from their warehouse and use it to inspect your model. From you photo, it looks like your inside walls are reversed (dark grey), this could be an issue.
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wkearney99 0
I'm using Cura 2.4.0b on Windows 7 Pro x64.
I've used Cura to print a bunch of other items. None that had just a pocket like that, however. Is there something special I should set in Cura to deal with that?
I noticed there's a red section at the bottom of the pockets. It's drawn that way in Sketchup, as just pockets. The slots were created as items and then moved into place. I then deleted the rectangle covering them. Should I have created them differently? I thought that since Cura showed them that they'd print.
It's a pretty small item. The edge on the left/right of each slot is .5mm, could that be a problem? Nothing requires that I make the item that narrow, I could bump it out a bit if that'd help.
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