Well, I would expect that your printer accepts both. But it is a question of which Cura generates.
What it means for gcode is that some commands are different in each flavour. If you go searching for a command and it is not there because the flavour is different, then you might be confused. UltiGcode my use a G command for some task, but Rep-Rap might use an E command for the same task, for example.
Think British and American English. Mostly the same, but some words are spelled differently and sometimes there are different words for the same concept.
I am not expert on this stuff. I am still learning myself.
Anyway, hope this helps.
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AreDigg 8
I think this is a decent reference (look at Marlin when checking for Ultimaker):
I find it also helpful to take a simple object through a slicer and look at the g-code it outputs.
Also what is nice to know is that X0 Y0 Z0 is the location in the left front corner, at the height you set when leveling build plate.
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krys 206
I used that reprap link to learn gcode too. That combined with reading gcode files generate from Cura let me learn enough to write a Cura plugin.
It is also worth remembering that there are differences between UltiGCode flavour and RepRap-style flavour of gcode. Cura 2.3.x and below on UM2(+) defaults to UltiGCode. But with Cura 2.4 and on things are changing more and more (back) to RepRap-style. I do not know what the default it. And I do not know what UM3 defaults to. But it can matter when learning/creating gcode.
Anyway, hope this helps.
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eric-lester 1
I checked, and the gcode my printer takes all seems to be UltiGCode flavor...what does this mean? What's the difference between flavors?
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