tinkergnome 929
I built a 3d printer with Ultimaker 2 Hardware.
Does this apply also for the rotary encoder? I ask, because it looks like your encoder works with a different amount of steps per revolution than it should do...
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SyntaxTerror 344
Clearly you're having encoder issues, so the question is why? It could be several things, of course. The first and easiest thing to do is check the EXT2 cable from the main board to the controller board. Make sure it is properly seated and undamaged. Regardless of whether or not it looks alright, unplug the cable at both ends and reinsert. Maybe it helps, maybe not.
If not, I'm going to go out on a limb and say odds are you have a glitchy encoder on the controller board.
The encoder is produced by ALPS, type number EC11E15244B2. It might be a bit tricky to source at the moment, it appears... backorders are annoying.
Here are some sources for you anyway if you want to give that a shot:
RS P/N: 729-5555
Mouser P/N: 688-EC11B15242AE
Farnell P/N: 2064978
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