tinkergnome 927
Correction for above Cura flavor RepRap and simplify3d RepRap code fails for same setup of stl's. only UltiGCode works on SDCARD. usb printing via simplify3d works fine or if I remove g1 commands from start script
The position error is not checked during USB printing - this explains why it only happens if you start the print from sdcard.
I tested your settings for the print area and the gcode lines, that you've posted above, but the error was not triggered... there must be something else in addition that causes this issue for you...?
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Octocom 1
Correction for above Cura flavor RepRap and simplify3d RepRap code fails for same setup of stl's. only UltiGCode works on SDCARD. usb printing via simplify3d works fine or if I remove g1 commands from start script
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