For the connection issue, most likely your user needs to be added to the "dialin" group or it won't have read/write access to the serial ports.
For the connection issue, most likely your user needs to be added to the "dialin" group or it won't have read/write access to the serial ports.
Thanks for the answer. Sorry I forgot to mention that I already added my user to the dialin group.
So I finaly managed it, thanks to webpulser:
You have to upload the 115200 baud firmware to the arduino, as Linux can't handle the 250000 one.
This firmware is in the /usr/share/cura/Cura/resources/firmware file and called MarlinUltimaker115200.hex
To upload it, you can either use Cura on a windows computer, or avrdude on linux, which is a command line tool (I don't know how to use it). It seems avrdude had several gui that all lost support, so you may have to search a little to find a working one.
I somebody knowing avrdude could put here the exact command line for uploading this file, it would be nice, we could put it on the wiki.
Then, you have to change the Cura preferences to set the baudrate (default is auto) to 115200 and the port (default is auto) to /dev/ttyACM0
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viralata 78
I got the same problem: linux mint 14 64 bits.
Tried to install the deb cura from here, and all the dependencies, then tried to install it from the tar.gz, which doesn't show any 3D preview. Both of them can't connect to printer and Timeout.
I tried to set the baudrate manualy, not better. I didn't tried all the ports manualy yet, as I don't know if it has any use ?
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