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Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat


When I want to preheat my Ultimaker Original the complete system shuts off. The display turns off and I have to wait a couple of minutes before I can turn it on again.

Does anyone have an idea why this happens?

Thanks in advance!


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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    Sounds to me like the power supply is going into over current protection. Are you using a different power supply or did you add anything that will draw extra power?

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    Thanks for your response.

    No, everything is original and i didn't add anything. I also think it is going into some kind of protection. Today I also tried to manually heat the printer but that also doesn't help.

    Do you have any suggestions regarding the over current protection?

    Thanks in advance.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    Can you please give us some more details about your printer? You refer to preheating which is usually used for a heated bed. Do you have an UMO with the heated bed upgrade kit or an UMO+?

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    I have a UMO, without heated bed. With the preheating I'm referring to the option preheat PLA/ABS.

    Basically to warm up the printer. As I mentioned in my previous post it also happens during manually warming up so to me it seems like sort of a protection which the_shire suggested.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    If it is an UMO then it is an 'old' printer -- I not saying this in a negative way, just a deduction that it is not a newly assembled printer, and that it should have worked in that past...

    So what did you changed recently?

    At first I am thinking of 2 problems:

    - Power supply as already mentioned

    - A short in the heater cartridge (or the cabling to it), so when you start heating it shorts the power supply and everything goes dark.

    I would disconnect the heater cartridge and measure the resistance to check for a short; also try to pre-heat with the cartridge disconnected: nothing should happen (except for a temp error after a while), but that would exclude a short on the board itself.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    Yes, it is definitely an 'old' printer and it has worked fine for me the last couple of years without any major problem. But after finishing a print I wanted to preheat for another print and suddenly the printer shuts off. I didn't do to, or modify anything on the printer.

    Personally I don't think it's a power supply issue since the printer can be switched on, the problem occurs when I want to increase the temperature.

    This afternoon I will measure the resistance in the heater cartridge, do you have any expierence with that? Can you suggest me some cables/connectors that I should measure?

    Thanks for your suggestion!

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    Personally I don't think it's a power supply issue since the printer can be switched on, the problem occurs when I want to increase the temperature.

    I don't think either, but it could be that the PSU is still able to provide enough current for the board (it does not need a lot), but gives up when you really draw power...

    This afternoon I will measure the resistance in the heater cartridge, do you have any expierence with that? Can you suggest me some cables/connectors that I should measure?

    Disconnect the 2 wires from the 'Extruder 1' connector on the top of the board and measure the resistance. I can't remember what it should be (I can check when at home) but if it is a short then it is definitely wrong.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat
    I don't think either, but it could be that the PSU is still able to provide enough current for the board (it does not need a lot), but gives up when you really draw power...

    I didn't think about that indeed.

    Thanks for your help, I will keep you updated!

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    I measured the resistance of the heater cartridge (the two wite insulated wires) and it is 0.03 ohm.

    When I disconnected the heater cartridge and wanted to preheat the printer the temperature setting went up and nothing happened as expected indeed.

    I hope this helps.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    I measured the resistance of the heater cartridge (the two wite insulated wires) and it is 0.03 ohm.


    This is way too less, it is just like a short...

    I measured mine and I have a bit more than 10 Ohms, which correspond approximately to a 35W cartridge



    Looks like you need a new heating cartridge (or there is a short somewhere in the cable)


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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    Oke, that sounds plausible! thank you very much for your time and effort!

    If I'm correct the heater cartridge is 18V right?

    I will order a new heater cartridge and see if it will work again.

    I will let you now if it works!

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    Posted · Ultimaker Original shut off during preheat

    If I'm correct the heater cartridge is 18V right?

    UMO power supply is 19V :p

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