tinkergnome 927
first question is: which firmware uses your printer - or which gcode-flavour does it understand? e.g. G22, G23 are not commonly used AFAIK
- respect the current position... The start coordinates for X/Y/Z should be initialized after the G28 command. But for the E-axis you have to set it on your own (e.g. with G92 E0.0).
- respect the positioning mode (coordinates can be interpreted as relative or absolute) - if in doubt, always set it explicitly with G90, G91, M82, M83 (the CuraEngine uses absolute coordinates AFAIK)
- all slicers that i know are presuming that the E coordinate is zero at the beginning, your start script should end with a G92 E0, just to be safe
Good luck!
Edited by Guest
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OneLooseCrank 0
Right, in experimenting with this I've come across a few problems - one of which is that Cura withdraws a large amount of filament before printing when a model is sliced there, but I can't identify the line of code doing it. But one problem at a time. I have tested each of the following lines one by one and discovered that you need a new line after the last line of code for it to be performed. But I still can't get a one off extrusion to test a pre-print filament advance.
M109 S200
G1 F3600 X100 Y100 Z15 E10.0
Any ideas on what on earth I've missed? All I want to see the code do at the moment is extrude some filament to make up for the loss after expansion at the end of a print.
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