We are both right sandervG We will always see things and processes differently. Let's begin with some relativity.
This is your web page structure, seen on a vertically oriented (portrait) 1080x1920 his res monitor: Do you see any problems with this page? I'm using Win7 Ult 32bit and the bottom half of the trademark robot was so big it not fit on the screen without more scrolling.
Edited by nzo
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SandervG 1,521
Hi @nzo,
Thank you for your message and sharing your feedback with us. Time will tell, but I can imagine some of the things you experience will just require some getting used to.
Just like you say you had a hard time finding your way in the beginning on the previous forum, which you grew to like after some time, perhaps you will also grow to like the new forum after you are more familiar with its ways.
This sounds like a very accurate impression.
If you have some specific problems in your user experience that you can share, I can think with you towards a potential solution.
The first thing that comes to mind, did you already take a look at the Fluid view? You can either see all new topics, or just those of the categories you select on the right.
Looking forward to hear what you think, and if there is more we can do to help
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