Good Day,
Thanks for replying. I am in New Brunswick Canada. The only thing that happens is the exruder fan will turn on for approx 2 or 3 seconds, then nothing happens. The Olimex board has a red LED illuminated. I attempted to flash the firmware again with instructions from the dealer and nothing happened (no LED flashed). I suspect a bad Olimex board.
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fbrc8-erin 298
There are several different boards in the printer; the main board (powers the motors and heaters), the Olimex board (wifi and camera modules, etc connect here), and the Ulticontroller board.
Where are you located?
Does the printer make any noises at all when you try to power it on? Depending on which (if any) noise it makes, there are a couple of potential causes.
This is definitely a case where it's best off to work with your reseller on it.
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