@XYZDesignPro thanks for your repply!
Maybe you have some more information like can use PVA as brim material - will it adhere - I mean does PVA sticks well to heated bed comparably to PLA/ABS?
@XYZDesignPro thanks for your repply!
Maybe you have some more information like can use PVA as brim material - will it adhere - I mean does PVA sticks well to heated bed comparably to PLA/ABS?
I find that PVA adheres very well to the glass bed. About the same a PLA and much better than ABS. Without knowing what it is you are attempting to print, I have no idea whether or not you may need a brim. As you can see, the part I have posted uses no brim at all. Just two lines of Skirt 3mm away from the part to assure a good prime of the extruder.
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XYZDesignPro 70
Not at all. Just use a 60° bed temp (default for PLA / PVA printing). Here's some screen shots of a 7.5" tall part, bottle, that is almost entirely PVA on the build plate. About a 6 hour build.
Bottom Layer
4th Layer
8th Layer Showing Support Roof
12th Layer Showing Bottom of Part over Support Roof
Final Part
This part is hollow (0% In Fill). Start out using the default settings and adjust accordingly.
Hope this gets you started off on the right path.
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