did you ever think your printer could be haunted ?
Ian :lol: :lol:
was there maybe a gcode m220 in the file...?! that sets the the speed in some marlin versions
I'll check, I did do the print from "Slic3r" before this print. Might be related, so I'll check that GCode.
Ok, more info. It's related to the realtime control feature from RepG. Once I click that panel open it goes all crazy. Not sure if RepG sends a M-code at that point, but it goes crazy, even if I put the speed down to 10% it goes crazy fast. It's only sending F180 at that point, which should be crazy slow.
The strange thing is, the realtime control worked fine before...
Hi All!
I experienced the same behaviour with marlin (9f57cdd and 0ad9779). Every time I open the realtime-panel (RepG25/RepG26alpha, MacOSX) the printer behaves crazy at crazy speeds! I tried this several times and actually I can't use the realtime controls. Also lowering the value to low values (10%) has no effect......
Best regards,
I concur with the realtime panel bug. Its really annoying as you open it when you worry about your print, and this bug start to kill your print from then on... :(
Marlin version is the latest one from Bernhards github. (used tortoisegit to update)
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rooiejoris 5
was there maybe a gcode m220 in the file...?! that sets the the speed in some marlin versions
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