Thanks for the input.
It is a new field for me, and it was clear when we started that there is much to learn. However, plastic is injectable, and so are the materials used in die cast process. I was thinking about trying out these materials (the ones used in die cast or similar) for 3D printing.
I also think that if it can be done, using the cheap machine for these kind of applications will be quite amazing. I think it is worth the research, especially when you consider that the other machines used in this field cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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snowygrouch 1
Im glad someone is showing that MACOR is the way of the future for the insulator.
I have been banging on about that for ages without much luck...
However I am not at all sure what you are trying to suggest about printing "alloys".
You cannot print Aluminium in this way because it oxidises instantly on contact with air and so
would need an inert gas shield.
Printing lower temp "metals" like solder is a no-no because you will either die of lead poisoning
or get very ill from the flux in non-leaded solder (which is actually in the short term even worse for you
then lead is).
Also printing anything above the autoignition point of the materials that make up the body of the machine is
totally disasterous in principle.
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