I agree with this post. I find that this feature is un-usable due to the fact that you cannot see where the supports are located and what you are actually blocking when everything goes gray.
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I agree with this post. I find that this feature is un-usable due to the fact that you cannot see where the supports are located and what you are actually blocking when everything goes gray.
I would suggest not manipulating the support blockers in Layer View. Layer View shows the sliced result, after a lot of calculation. That's why it takes a long time to update after changing the support blockers.
In the normal "Solid view", you can see the areas that will get supports added in red. Click those red areas if you don't want those areas supported. Then switch to "Layer view" to check if everything got sliced ok. That's the intended use of Support blockers.
Update: a tip on Layer View: set the Color Scheme to "Line Type". That makes it much clearer what is support and what is not.
Edited by ahoebenThis seems to me a good idea.
I was reviewing your suggestion and got to the conclusion that it will not work, because there is no precision in the areas painted red. Check this example that I am currently working on.You can see clearly that the red painted area do not correspond exactly to where each of the supports go. I even think that we should be able to remove parts of a given support.
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celso-santos 11
In many cases (maybe this is not the best example) it is difficult to identify what is selected to be deleted.
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