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Plugin for Dremel 3D45


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Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45



I already found the Plugin for the Dremel 3D20.


I am owner of a 3D45, would be great if this printer could also get a plugin. I tried to copy a few files by hand, but was not very successful. The current Dremel slicer is based on cura, so all files should be there. Any help is appreciated.




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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    Any update on this, I've just got a 3d45 and whilst the slicer appears great would like to update it to the latest cura version has i know there are a few features in the latest version which i can not find in the Dremel version.

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    • 4 months later...
    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    The 3D20 plugin from Tim (https://github.com/timmehtimmeh/Cura-Dremel-3D20-Plugin) is required to create those proprietary g3drem binary file formats since the 3D20 printer does not support raw gcode.


    For the 3D45/3D40, you can use normal clear-text gcode.  


    Source: I have both 3D20 and a couple of 3D45s, and use Cura and PrusaSlicer on them (well, no PrusaSlicer on the 3D20 just yet until I finish my python wrapper for post-processing and converting it to g3drem format)


    If you really want the "Dremel Defaults" for the 3D45 in your latest version of Cura, here's how you do it:


    - Download the Dremel Slicer software from Dremel (it's an old version of Cura)

    - Easiest thing to do is to just go ahead and install it since the Printer's json profiles are compressed in the install file

    - Now, find the Dremel printer json files.  They are named:

    $ ls -1 ~/.local/share/cura/4.7/definitions/

    (I don't know where they would be on Windows/macOS, but it would be a directory called "definitions" somewhere.  Maybe try this link: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Adding-new-machine-profiles-to-Cura )


    - Simply copy these to your Cura location, under the "definitions" folder.  

    - Restart Cura and BAM, you'll have 3 Dremels to choose from.


    However, i can tell you the stock json printer definitions are no where near perfect and you'd be much better off just creating your own 3D45 settings.  For the 3D20, you are stuck using Tim's plugin which generates the proprietary g3drem file formats.


    For the 3D20, I have to significantly change all of retraction (1.0mm @ 25mm/s) and speed settings (higher infill, slower first few layers, etc).  For the 3D45, I basically am not using any of the stock items.  I tried, but the prints were awful (I have high standards).  Best thing I did was to start from a new Custom printer in Cura, bring over 4 or 5 original settings, and make up the rest through a dozen test prints of the Calibration Cube or something.

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    Posted (edited) · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    Actually, here ya go.  Attached are all three profiles I have already pulled from their Dremel Slicer from about a month or so ago (3D20, 3D40, 3D45). I just upgraded to 4.7 and they continue to work fine.  (Had to zip them as this forum didn't allow me to upload json files)


    You'll want to place them in your Cura's install directory, under the "resources/definitions" folder:

    Windows: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura X.X\resources\definitions
    Linux: ~/.local/shared/cura/X.X/definitions/
    (replace X.X with your version)

    Note: I don't use the attached 3D20 profile but instead I use Tim's Dremel 3D20 Cura plugin from the Marketplace to generate g3drem file formats.  My 3D20's firmware crashes when loading gcode files (they are sending me a new mobo to replace it).  I think he may have started to support 3D45s as well: there's an open github issue somewhere.


    Tip: I have extensively calibrated an 3D20 and two 3D45s using several torture and calibration STL tests.  All 3 had a unique set of profile that were pretty far off from the Dremel attached profiles.  For example, on the 3D20 to get it to stop stringing, you must lower retraction down to 0.5mm @ 25mm/s.


    Tip: if you want to get these files yourself from Dremel's Slicer, they are located at 

    C:\Program Files\Dremel DigiLab 3D Slicer\resources\definitions

    And yes, even the two 3D45s had two different profiles: one could only do anything under 265C, and was best at 10C lower than the others in PLA and PETG.  Then again, they had nearly 1500 hours of operation - each - and that is 1000 hours overdue from the required nozzle assembly change.  


    You can start with these, as i did for reference when I created custom profiles.  But to get rid of any artifacts, you'd want to calibrate your own.  They can print some really great models if dialed in.  I'm using them almost exclusively for PPE.


    Dremel3D20.def.zip Dremel3D40.def.zip Dremel3D45.def.zip

    Edited by eduncan911
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    • 2 weeks later...
    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45
    On 8/30/2020 at 12:06 AM, eduncan911 said:

    Actually, here ya go.  Attached are all three profiles I have already pulled from their Dremel Slicer from about a month or so ago (3D20, 3D40, 3D45). I just upgraded to 4.7 and they continue to work fine.  (Had to zip them as this forum didn't allow me to upload json files)


    You'll want to place them in your Cura's install directory, under the "resources/definitions" folder.


    Windows: C:\Program Files\Dremel DigiLab 3D Slicer\resources\definitions

    Linux: ~/.local/shared/cura/4.7/definitions/


    Note: I don't use the attached 3D20 profile but instead I use Tim's Dremel 3D20 Cura plugin to generate g3drem file formats.  My 3D20's firmware crashes when loading gcode files (they are sending me a new mobo to replace it).  I think he may have started to support 3D45s as well: there's an open github issue somewhere.


    Tip: I have extensively calibrated an 3D20 and two 3D45s using several torture and calibration STL tests.  All 3 had a unique set of profile that were pretty far off from the Dremel attached profiles.  For example, on the 3D20 to get it to stop stringing, you must lower retraction down to 0.5mm @ 25mm/s.


    And yes, even the two 3D45s had two different profiles: one could only do anything under 265C, and was best at 10C lower than the others in PLA and PETG.  Then again, they had nearly 1500 hours of operation - each - and that is 1000 hours overdue from the required nozzle assembly change.  


    You can start with these, as i did for reference when I created custom profiles.  But to get rid of any artifacts, you'd want to calibrate your own.  They can print some really great models if dialed in.  I'm using them almost exclusively for PPE.


    Dremel3D20.def.zip 1.02 kB · 0 downloads Dremel3D40.def.zip 1015 B · 2 downloads Dremel3D45.def.zip 1.03 kB · 5 downloads

    The location to deposit the UNZIPPED definitions file is Windows 10 is: C > Program Files > Ultimaker Cura 4.7 > resources > definitions.
    Thank you sooo much for this! Dremels boxed software is unbelievably limited, and I'm a noob at this, so your pointers are well taken.
    Thank you kind sir!

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    Posted (edited) · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    No problem @lenigma1.  Happy to help.


    And thanks for the correction - it was very late and yeah, forgot we are talking Cura and not Dremel Slicer-rebranced version of Cura.  :) 


    I've fixed my original post, and formatted it a bit better as well.


    I want to stress that they are only a starting point, and will still produce a number of artifacts.  You will want  to calibrate and stress-test each printer, perfecting each profile to override those defaults (I mentioned it in an earlier post).


    Michael over at Teaching Tech on Youtube just released the most comprehensive "tuning" guide out there.  No more searching or learning on YouTube: it's all right here:



    And a video overview of the website above: 


    PS: I no longer use Cura, and have moved onto creating my profiles in PrusaSlicer for all of my printers (7 of them!).  I really liked Cura's ease of use.  However, I really like the advanced features PrusaSlicer has over Cura, especially when it comes to multi-color/filament prints and overrides.  It's a bit more techie, but well worth it IMO.  

    Stay away from Simplify3D at all costs - like, the $150 annual cost (oh yes, it's annual if you want updates to the 2000-era UX!).  They have royally screwed over the community this year.  IMO, PS and Cura are actually much better UX too (I got my refund).

    Edited by eduncan911
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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    WOW! its like you can read minds my friend! 
    Just last night, i ran into a serious road block with cura4 not finding my printer due to token negotiation.... so, I have read about, and several on YouTube have praised the merits and virtues of Prusa, and actually grabbed it last night!

    TeachingTech is brilliant! I just watched is non planar printing video last night as well(it was a 3am night for me! GOD I love learning about things that interest me!), and it got my brain all fired up, and a new savings plan in place to fetch myself a printer with proper clearance and cooling. Those results where unapproachable!

    And there's no way i would ever purchase slicing and modeling software ANNUALLY, when things like Cura, Prusa and TinkerCAD are doing a fantastic job for me! Sadly, you re not the first person who told me to stay away from simplify. Not because its bad software, because every part of it costs more and more.
    Photogrammetry is something i will be getting into, and have been doing a bit of research on... additional software, at a cost, is required with Simplify... 


    However, I am running into the very same 'no printer found on network' problem with both pieces of software...
    This isn't the ideal place to discuss that. Do you have any suggestions as to how/where you could possibly guide me a little on solving said problem?

    If all else fails, lenigma1@gmail.com, to point me in the right direction, if you have the time of course! 7 printers is like having 7 kids... soo much prep, produce, maintain.. how DO you find the time?? lol

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    Posted (edited) · Plugin for Dremel 3D45




    Just last night, i ran into a serious road block with cura4 not finding my printer due to token negotiation
    I am running into the very same 'no printer found on network' problem with both pieces of software.


    I've never used direct connection or TCP-from-Cura nor have I ever used Dremel's slicer application.  When these 3D45s were delivered, I started with Cura's latest edition for Linux (as I don't run Windows) as that's what we've been using for our 3D20, using Tim's plugin for the 3D20 to generate g3drem files.


    With the 3D45s (there were a few delivered), I wanted to use the camera AND I needed to monitor multiple computers.  So I immediately set them up on Polar3D.com, one of the cloud software versions for the 3D45 (you can use a free account, don't need to pay anything).  This allowed me to see all of the 3D45s on a single screen, with their webcams.


    With the 3D45s, I needed a baseline to start generating gcode.  I did that by grabbing the json files attached earlier from Dremel's Slicer.  Once I selected the 3D45 printer in Cura, I never connected over the network/USB.  Instead, I always just saved the gcode to a file.  Then I logged into Polar3D and just uploaded my gcode as a "job" there.  This was tedious... Especially since Polar3d doesn't keep previous jobs: you always have to upload a new file.



    This isn't the ideal place to discuss that. Do you have any suggestions as to how/where you could possibly guide me a little on solving said problem?


    There's not a lot of places.  I used 3DPrinting's Discord server, though the advice there is a hit or miss.  Reddit's /r/3dprinting is one, another is /r/fixmyprint.  There's also a Thingiverse forum/group on 3D45, but it doesn't get a lot of traffic.  Remember, you have to be able to debug your issue first to be able to describe it...  See below.


    I was able to tune the printer by going through a number of Torture Tests, tweaking a setting in Cura, and submitting the job again.  There wasn't really a guide to follow, as you do not have access to the firmware on this printer


    Originally, I followed Simplify3D's debugging guide, which was very helpful in identifying what the issues might be - one at a time.  Then I moved onto a few Teaching Tech's videos to tweak them ever so further - like the Temp Tower which helped lower PLA temps from the default 220 down to 205 for most PLA filament I use on the 3D45 to get rid of the stringing.  Another example was TT's stringing debugging, using that simple two-tower model he referenced (uses a lot less filament in testing!).


    I've collected a number of Torture Tests I use: https://www.thingiverse.com/eduncan911/collections/torture-tests


    The point i am trying to make is, you need to identify 1 issue at a time using Simplify3D's and TT guides, and once you identify one issue, then you slice a 1/2 dozen (or dozens!) of the same model, slowing tweaking the settings to fix the issue, one job upload at a time to Polar3D until that one issue was resolved.  Then, move onto the next.  Another example that took hours and hours to dial in were the retraction settings: the Dremel slicer sets them to 6.5mm @ 100mm/s.  I had sever problems with one printer with these settings.  Both now run around 1.5mm @ 25mm/s, though one liked 50mm/s better than the other.  <- don't use these settings, follow the guides above to slowly debug each issue - one at a time.


    It's going to take dozens of prints.  Sometimes for the smallest of a single issue.




    Now, once you dial in your printer settings using a known piece of software (e.g. Cura), or once you get a solid handle at what each setting means (e.g. "interface layer between supports and model"), then you can venture out to other slicers, such as PrusaSlicer.  Mainly because each slicer has different terms and naming conventions for certain things.


    PrusaSlicer could work to start with... but, some of the settings do not directly translate from Cura around the defaults the Dremel profile had.


    That was just my approached.  I may have saved some time by going straight to PrusaSlicer and start from scratch: however, having knowledge of both Cura and PrusaSlicer has given me a wide range of options as must new printers come with a skinned version of Cura, with the settings I need to start with.  Once dialed in, I can transfer profiles over to PrusaSlicer later.


    My main issue with these customized skinned Cura slicer versions is that they are only for Windows or macOS: no one releases a Linux version of the custom version: just Cura itself does.

    Edited by eduncan911
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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    Thanks for the link to TeachingTech's page, @eduncan911 - Very informative page.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't get the gcode generated on that site to work.  I've tried the first layer and retraction tests, and both will initiate a print, but as soon as the printer self calibrates and warms up, it says it is finished without having laid a single layer.  The website is pretty self explanatory, so the parameters to generate the gcode all seem pretty clear, except for the ABL part.  From what I can tell, the 3D45's auto calibration is a function of the printer independent of the gcode, so I selected no ABL.  I've used the digilab cloud to initiate the prints, as well as a USB stick with similar results.  Although, when the prints initiated via cloud "finish", the cloud interface shows 0% progress for a long time until I abort.  The screen on the printer says it was completed like normal.


    I know the 3D45 is supposed to work with standard gcode files in addition to the g3drem files, but does anyone else have issues with .gcode files?  I do have the "Prioritize gcode settings" option ON in the advanced settings.


    I should also say that I am new to 3D printing about a month ago, and I have a mechanical engineering background.  To this point I have been very happy with the 3D45 with largely successful prints (only minor issues with elephant's foot).  I have been using the cloud based slicer mostly, in addition to the Dremel Slicer, but I don't love either of them.  I am planning to get Cura working so I have more control over some settings.  I was hoping to go through the test prints on the TeachingTech site before I started learning the new software, but I'm discouraged I can't get them to print.


    Anyone have any ideas what my issue is?

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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    @eduncan911 - Thanks for sharing the information - I hope you don't mind, but I've linked to your posts from the 3D20 plugin's Issue #20 page where I try to collect information for 3D40/3D45 users.


    I don't have a 3D40/3D45 so I can't support either printer in my plugin, but I do occasionally get asked about them, so I appreciate people like you sharing the information about how to get them working.





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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    Mr. jrbarron. It's would appear the both of us are in the same boat.

    I've been following TechingTechs YR page almost a year before ever owning a printer!


    There appears to be something missing from the string being sent to the printer that Dremel slicer has, but straight G-Code does not.


    I've done a bit of snooping, and from what I gather from the packet sniffer, the slicer is sending code in a non standard format, it almost looks web based to be honest.


    Truthfully, I really wish I knew how to read this better... An educated guess is the printer is waiting for a start trigger, and end trigger that is NOT standard merlin code, even though that what flavor it's assigned too.


    Lastly, the above profile for the 3D45, everytime I put it into Cura 4.7.x, it comes back telling me it appears corrupted, do you wanna purge and start new? ... Never got it to.load, and when I did get it functional (4.7 that is), after self level, I CAN NOT get the bed level sensor to come back up!

    It just drags around in the bed!


    So, I need about of guidance myself, and I really hope educan911 sees this... But he's told me via dmhes 100% PrusaSlicer now...

    Fingers crossed!

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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45



    The machine definitions should have a "machine_start_gcode" section in them.  For instance the 3D20's is here

    When I have the 3D20 selected as the printer and I save to file either in gcode or g3drem format and open the gcode/g3drem file in a text editor I get first some setup gcode

    ;Filament used: 5.11223m
    ;Layer height: 0.2
    ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.8.0
    M104 S220
    M109 S220
    M82 ;absolute extrusion mode


    which is immediately followed by the gcode defined in the "machine_start_gcode"

    M132 X Y Z A
    G1 Z100 F3300
    G1 X-110.5 Y-74 F6000
    M6 T0
    M907 X100 Y100 Z60 A100
    G1 Z0.6 F3300
    G4 P2000
    M108 T0

    This is where I'd start looking.  Take a look at a file that the Dremel version of Cura generates and then take a look at the files that Cura is generating - perhaps you'll see something different that you can copy/paste into the machine definition for Cura.


    Getting Cura profiles to work can be tricky.  You may need to copy Dremel's version of the extruder file over into the extruders folder, the quality settings as well (if "has_machine_quality" is true), and the materials (if "has_materials" is true).  See here for where the 3D20 plugin defines which extruder to use.


    If you don't get everything named correctly and put into the exact right location then Cura will give you corrupted profile errors (believe me - I've seen this too many times to count 😉 ).


    For reference here are the files that the 3D20 plugin installs - this may be a guide to help you figure out which files you need.

    Dremel3D20.def.json                    // The printer definition
    dremel_3d20_extruder_0.def.json        // the extruder definition
    dremel_pla.xml.fdm_material            // the "Dremel PLA" material
    dremel_3D20_platform.stl               // the 3D model of the print bed
    Dremel_3D20_draft.inst.cfg              // These are all quality settings 
    Dremel_3D20_dremel_pla.draft.inst.cfg   // that define how the printer behaves 
    Dremel_3D20_dremel_pla_low.inst.cfg     // at different qualities or with different
                                            // materials. 
    Dremel_3D20_dremel_pla_normal.inst.cfg  // They are extracted into the quality folder,
                                            // which on windows is located at:
    Dremel_3D20_low.inst.cfg                // C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\cura\
                                            //          <cura version>\quality\dremel3d20 
    Dremel_3D20_normal.inst.cfg             // The 3D40/3D45 may have similar files in
                                            // the base quality folder or in a subfolder

    Finally - here is where the plugin tells Cura which export format to prefer.  The 3D20 plugin sets the preferred output format to g3drem, and if you leave it off I believe Cura picks gcode as the default output format.

    Note - in order to export g3drem files you'll need the 3D20 plugin installed from the marketplace.


    Hopefully this information helps but beyond this I can't help much more.

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    Posted (edited) · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    If anyone is still interested. I started a project on github to create a settings configuration that adds Dremel 3D45 support to the newest iteration of Cura (4.8). 


    Github Link


    What's working so far:

    • Cura lists the Dremel3D45 as available (definition copied from Dremel Digilab Slicer)
    • The 3D model of the build platform is shown on build volume
    • Dremel materials can be selected from the material browser (PLA, ECO-ABS, Nylon, PETG)
    • The default material is set to the Dremel ECO-ABS when adding a new printer
    • Quality profiles for 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.34 are now globaly available.
    • The temperatures are now taken from the material properties (default_material_print_temperature, material_bed_temperature)

    What's missing:

    • No network support for printer (you have to use USB stick for starting prints)
    • The default_material_print_temperature in the 0.05 & 0.034 need to be specified for special materials
    Edited by Xpect
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    Posted (edited) · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    @Xpect - Awesome! 

    I'll place a link from the 3D20 plugin to your github.  If you want to release a complete plugin feel free to fork my plugin and make a 3D45 version - it shouldn't be too much work and will automate the installation of the files.

    If you have any questions feel free to ping me.



    Edited by timmeh
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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    @Xpect Thanks for making this Github project for the 3D45. I copied the files into Cure 4.8 and it is working great.

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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45
    On 11/19/2020 at 2:29 PM, jrbarron said:

    Thanks for the link to TeachingTech's page, @eduncan911 - Very informative page.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't get the gcode generated on that site to work.  I've tried the first layer and retraction tests, and both will initiate a print, but as soon as the printer self calibrates and warms up, it says it is finished without having laid a single layer.  The website is pretty self explanatory, so the parameters to generate the gcode all seem pretty clear, except for the ABL part.  From what I can tell, the 3D45's auto calibration is a function of the printer independent of the gcode, so I selected no ABL.  I've used the digilab cloud to initiate the prints, as well as a USB stick with similar results.  Although, when the prints initiated via cloud "finish", the cloud interface shows 0% progress for a long time until I abort.  The screen on the printer says it was completed like normal.


    I know the 3D45 is supposed to work with standard gcode files in addition to the g3drem files, but does anyone else have issues with .gcode files?  I do have the "Prioritize gcode settings" option ON in the advanced settings.


    I should also say that I am new to 3D printing about a month ago, and I have a mechanical engineering background.  To this point I have been very happy with the 3D45 with largely successful prints (only minor issues with elephant's foot).  I have been using the cloud based slicer mostly, in addition to the Dremel Slicer, but I don't love either of them.  I am planning to get Cura working so I have more control over some settings.  I was hoping to go through the test prints on the TeachingTech site before I started learning the new software, but I'm discouraged I can't get them to print.


    Anyone have any ideas what my issue is?


    I missed this earlier.  I recommend not using that gcode from the site.  Too many printers have unique settings.


    I highly recommend using Cura and generating a small circle or something gocde.  Export it, and then edit that file.  Though personally I just grab some calibration items from thingiverse.


    But now, Cura has its own calibration plugin with objects you can just right-click and add to build-plate.  Haven't tried it yet, but will soon.

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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    @jrbarron and @lenigma1


    Having very recently received a 3D45 I've run into the same issues as both of you regarding the gcode that the TeachingTech's website produces.


    I've found that the line reading "T0" causes the printer to go through the bed leveling calibration, heat up, then immediately quit once the printer is up to temp.



    ; process Color1-2
    ; layer 1, Z = 0.200
    G92 E0.0000
    G1 E-3 F2400 ; custom retraction - A


    removing that one line allows the print to proceed, but as @eduncan911 points out - there are a huge number of other settings that are unique to each printer (and material).

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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    With the help of previous comments I got it working with Cura 4.10.0 but with the 4.11.0 update it no longer works.
    I get this error on startup. I will keep working on it when I have time but figured if someone solves it first perhaps they can let me know.


    Configuration errors

    Your configuration seems to be corrupt. Something seems to be

    wrong with the following profiles:

    - Dremel 3D45

    - Dremel3D45

    Would you like to reset to factory defaults? Reset will remove all your current printers and profiles.

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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    @Blutreich - I got my hands on a 3D45 and updated/renamed the 3D20 plugin so that it will install the 3D40, and 3D45 as well.  You can find it in the marketplace


    If you can't get the manual copy/paste method working feel free to reset Cura to factory defaults and install the plugin.


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    Posted · Plugin for Dremel 3D45

    Thank you very much sir. Everything seems to be working and I will re slice some stuff for printing and see how it turns out however I am assuming everything will work great.

    Thank you for your help and the time you took setting up that plugin to share with everyone. The Dremel slicer is far inferior to the new Cura versions.

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