Thanks for that info. I will test it that way. That is interesting. I tried going thinner on the object thickness to 1.1 mm but that didn’t help much. It might have been filled a little more but it was still missing a lot of inner wall and still erratic. I do have fill gaps between walls enabled.
Do you think I will lose any precision using a 0.5 mm line for a 0.4 mm nozzle? The twist container needs to fit pretty precisely so that it isn’t too tight or too loose. I can just reprint some test pieces to check the infill as long as the 0.5mm is consistent. I use 0.5 mm for the infill (when that applies) to give objects more strength. I am ok with that as I don’t really care about precision of the infill as much.
I am still puzzled though why the wall was not filled up. It should be close to 0.4mm between the walls. I will experiment going to a thicker object (1.3 mm+) and see how Cura handles that with 0.4 mm lines.
Further testing has to wait a bit though as I got a stomach bug from the younglings and I am now stuck in bed. This conversation is a nice distraction though :).
Edited by Adam324
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burtoogle 516
Hi @Adam324, I sliced your model using my Cura release and it looks really good. This is with 0.5mm wide wall lines and the wall gap fill enabled. Print time is around 2 hours, quite a saving! The wall gap fill produced by Ultimaker Cura releases tends to be rather zig-zaggy but this is nice and smooth as you can see.
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