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Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

I have this issue with my Xvico x1 3d printer and want to see if anyone here may be able to help.


first the printer works great with the gcode on the machines SD card but every time i add something to the SD card with the same parameters and try to print it the printer wont move an inch.  anyone know how fix this?  does anyone know what kind of gcode the x1 runs?  should i just send the x1 back? 

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    • 6 months later...
    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    I’m having this same issue, still need to troubleshoot some more but it seems as the heating element in the printing head isn’t heating up, holding at 20 C. 
    looked into the GCode and tried setting the temp in the start.code supplied with the printer with no luck, turning back to hardware next. 

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    • 3 months later...
    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    I have one of these. got it from ebay in kit form about a year age. okay sometimes with curra and so far pretty much only with curra it will wait until there is a reading for the thermostat input for a heated bed. if it dose this slice again but set a start temp for the bed. start printing and manually chang your hot bed temp to 0. then everything works. 


    it could be something with the profile your using. I got a profile from that one cheap guy on youtube. i started using a heated bed on mine after a busted the glass bed it came with. you can find the heated bed on Amazon for 16 bucks with the xvico harness.

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    • 4 months later...
    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    I just got a xvico yesterday. I am an old retired tool and die maker. I have a small cnc router and I'm having fun with it. I thought a 3d printer would be fun so I got a cheap one to learn. Boy, this thing is different from my router. Has anyone used the support? I went to the email address in the book, and it keeps coming back. My printer didn't come with the tube that goes from the run out switch to the exturder. Can anyone tell me what it's called? It did come with a tube about 2 " long, but it won't go down to the nozzle. Any feedback will help.


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    Posted (edited) · Xvico X1 cora issues

    I started in tool & die when I was 13 when dad would drag me off on Saturdays to run a drill press.  Then a lathe.  Then that god awful horizontal boring mill that was off a WWI battleship.  I miss that boring mill.

    I was looking around trying to find a picture of an xvico so I could respond to Geneo's other post and I came across this youtube video on the machine 




    as he says, the Xvico looks like a clone of an Ender 3.  I would think the numerous help for the Ender 3 would apply to the xvico.  As to what flavor of firmware it is running, there should be a selection on the LCD that is "About..." the machine.  The firmware flavor should be mentioned in there.  It's something that Cura needs to know.

    In Cura you should have added a printer that has all the proper settings for your xvicos.

    In Cura under Monitor/{your printer}/Manage Printers/Machine Settings make sure everything is set for the xvico.  If heated bed is checked then Cura will always put an M190 line in the start of the Gcode file and that means "Wait for bed temperature" which of course would be forever on your machine. 

    As I mentioned in the other thread, make sure Center = 0 in NOT selected.  Your 0,0,0 is the left front corner.

    Geneo, I think you mean the Bowden tube.  Look around the internet for Capricorn PTFE tubing.

    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    I've got a rookie question. If you download a file from thingaverse how do you know how big it is? Is it done in cura? I've got a cnc router too, and the sizing is done in the design software.  Also in cura, I'm confused. When you get a file off the net is it already sliced, and how do you save it to the sd card? I told you I was a rookie. At least with printers. I'm not bad with the router.

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    The easiest way to get to know this stuff is to play with it.  Download files, slice them this way and that.  Open up Gcode files with Notepad and get familiar with what kind of codes are being used for printing as opposed to routering because there will be differences.

    Most download files will be stereolithography STL files that you will open in Cura to slice.  Cura will know how big your build volume is.  If the model comes into Cura too big for your machine then Cura will put zebra stripes on it and tell you it can't be sliced.  There are no dimensions in Cura.  The only way to tell how big something is would be to slice it with say .1 layer height and check how many layers there are.  Then re-slice the way you want the thing printed.

    On the left side of the Cura screen are some tools.  Click on the model and then select the "Scale" tool.  You can enter numbers in the boxes or just grab a handle on the model and drag it.  Either way you can get the thing to fit your build space.  If the model was drawn in English units it may come in really small.  The scale then is 2540% to get it to metric which Cura uses.  If the model is to be part of an assembly than all parts would have to be scaled the same so they would fit together.


    Now repeat after me..."I [insert name here] will NEVER blindly trust a Gcode file that somebody else created."  When you download a Gcode file you have no idea what the machine parameters were when the thing was sliced.  You can open Gcode files in Cura and it will be shown in preview mode but the file cannot be changed from within Cura.  You would still want to open the file in Notepad to look at the opening code and make sure there isn't something in there (like M190 or M140) that your machine won't like.  (Any line in a Gcode file that starts with a semi-colon is a comment and is ignored by the printer.)  And you have to check the G1 and G0 lines for any X and Y values that are negative numbers.  Your machine won't like that either but it will try to print WAAAYY over there and bang into your end stops.

    A Gcode file is just a simple text file.  You copy it from the hard drive and save it to the SD card in a normal Windows or Mac way.  You should keep Gcode file names short because most printers don't deal with long file names very well.  After you print a Gcode file you can throw it away.  As you get familiar with the software, you'll get better at slicing and if you wanted to print the thing again, you'd want to update the slicing anyway.

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    Thanks, that's the best info I've gotten so far. Glad I joined this group.

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    From one old shop rat to another...you're welcome.

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    Another Question, Rookie of course. When I try to print, the filament barely comes out of the nozzle. If I manually push on the filament it will come out. Is there a setting in Cura that regulates the speed of the nozzle? Maybe I'm just not pushing hard enough. 

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    Posted (edited) · Xvico X1 cora issues

    There are a bunch of parameters that have an effect on flow.  #1 is Extruder steps/mm.  There are videos on how to calibrate it and you need to start there.  After that, calibrate the XYZ.  I use a digital caliper to measure those.  Essentially, you measure where the head is from a fixed point, then tell the head to move 50mm and then measure again from the same fixed point to see if it actually moved 50mm.  There is a quick formula for calculating the steps/mm based on the measurement.  (Move Expected / Measured movement) * current steps/mm).  Again, there are YouTube videos.  These machines can be superbly accurate and it all starts with being parallel, square, and calibrated.

    Back to flow, there are settings in Cura under Material that allow you to change the flow for different areas of a print.  I suggest you take a look at them and set all of the percentage based ones to 100%.  Later you can customize.  There should also be a menu on the printer LCD for Tuning.  Under Tuning there will be a menu to adjust the flow % on the fly while printing.


    Flow is dependent on numerous variables.  Nozzle size, line width, and of course speed are the main ones.  If you are printing at 20mm/sec the flow rate will be 1/2 of what it is at 40mm/sec.  A .4mm nozzle at a layer height of .2mm means that 1mm of filament pushed in will produce 30mm of extrusion coming out of the nozzle (IF things are calibrated correctly).  At 30mm/sec print speed that is 1mm of filament/sec.  There are people who claim to be printing at 150 or 200mm/sec.  My Ender 3 would never keep pace with that kind of speed.  The hot end just isn't efficient enough to pass plastic through at that speed.  I plod along at 50mm/sec for most stuff.  Slower gives better results and I get down to 25mm/sec for fancy stuff with a lot of stops and starts.


    If the extruder motor is clicking and snapping backwards it is skipping steps.  That can be a lot of different things from temperature, to heat creep, to a clogged nozzle, to being too close to the build surface, etc, etc. etc.  Finding out what is causing the missed steps and under-extrusion is a "Joy of 3d Printing" and you can't get a good print unless plastic is getting pushed at the correct rate.


    And if all that isn't confusing enough, speed in Cura is expressed in mm/second while speed in a Gcode file is expressed in mm/minute.  

    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    I have the Xvico X3 and was having a few issues to start with but seem to have things dialed in now.


    With regards to the lack of material coming out of the nozzle, I had that and it was driving me mad, I tried everything. The solution? I changed the tension on the filament feed. From the factory the feed gears were barely making contact with the filament so would only every so often catch the filament and advance it.


    Hope that helps.

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    I bought an xvico also. I've had nothing but trouble with it. I figured it was just me. Finely the mother board went bad. I went down and bought an ender3 pro. I put it together and it worked flawlessly right off the bat. There are tons of parts available, and the support is great. If your tired of pulling your hair out think about. Their almost the same price. I paid $199

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues
    On 4/16/2019 at 11:34 PM, griffen679 said:

    I have this issue with my Xvico x1 3d printer and want to see if anyone here may be able to help.


    first the printer works great with the gcode on the machines SD card but every time i add something to the SD card with the same parameters and try to print it the printer wont move an inch.  anyone know how fix this?  does anyone know what kind of gcode the x1 runs?  should i just send the x1 back? 

    I have same problem as your. Do you fix it? Can you please help me?

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues
    On 6/12/2020 at 11:16 PM, GregValiant said:

    If heated bed is checked then Cura will always put an M190 line in the start of the Gcode file and that means "Wait for bed temperature" which of course would be forever on your machine. 


    Sometimes you have to read all the posts!

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    Hi. I brought a xvico 3d recently and it work fine for a while but now I have a problem with the axies X. It moves more than it should. For example I move the extruder 5mm to the left or right and in real it moves 8 mm. I change the stepper motor and I check the tension of the belt and nothing. Please help me!! 

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    Posted · Xvico X1 cora issues

    You will (at the very least) have to calibrate the stepper motor steps/mm of the printer.  You can find out how on numerous videos.  Being off by over 50% is a lot though.  All machines wear in but that seems excessive.

    Start with the calibration of all 4 axis.  It can't hurt and you may get your accuracy back.

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