yellowshark 153
OK can you tell me please your settings for
Line width
Number of walls
Infill overlap %
Dimensional thickness of the part i.e. the external casing
Extruder temp.
Print speed(s)
Also useful would be a pic of the model in Cura layer view, at a layer in the bottom half where the vertical lines are showing
yellowshark 153
Hi @Tettaura thanks for the info. OK several things going on here. You need 2 walls (yes “number of walls”), that is almost certainly your infill showing through the single wall. As you do not mention it then I assume you are using PLA and, if that is the case, then you are printing way too hot and you are over-extruding. Stupidly I did not ask for your layer height; even if you are using .3 layer height you should find that an extruder temp of 200 will be fine and gives you a big improvement. If your layer height is .2/.1 then 195/190 should be better. Of course if you are using ABS then your temp. is probably in the ball park but not for PLA. All printers and filaments are different so one cannot be totally prescriptive on extruder temp. but you should not need to move more than +/- 5 degrees on the above.
Yes the preview will not show defect arising from the settings; only mesh defects in X-ray mode.
Hi @yellowshark!
I'm printing with a PLA certified for food contact following the temperatures indicated in its technical data sheet.
Layer height 0,2
Today I do some tests following your suggestions. I'll let you know as soon as possible! 😀
yellowshark 153
Hmn, I have a specially manufactured PLA which has an anti-microbial additive mixed in, about 3% if I remember rightly, for use in the medical field, to prevent the transfer of microbes from one user to another. Of course they may not be but I suspect they will be similar. Anyway it did not impact my temperature to any great degree. I vaguely recall I may have changed the temp by 5 degrees but cannot remember whether that was + or - and I do not have the production notes on this laptop. At 30mm/s and 0.2 layer for normal PLA you should not really need more than 195, depending on how well your printer is setup. Adding another 35 degrees just seems too much to me but then smart arses have been known to be wrong! I suggest you print some 10mm cubes at various temps and see how it goes - lol I will be interested to hear what your results are
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Tettaura 0
In particular, as you can see in this second image, I noticed that vertical lines appear only in the parts where there's the filling.
Any idea?🙄
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