thanks for the response.
I have Cura setup for a JG Aurora A5S printer. The file I downloaded was in obj. Format however when I convert it to either amf.or stl. Formats the files are still large but fit within the dimensions of my build plate.
i have experimented with reducing the size of the model to see it of would slice and that didn’t work either. I’m out of town for a couple days. But will post an stl file when I get back.
could the models complexity be the issue?
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XYZDesignPro 70
It finally opened on my system. Very slowly as the 3mf file is over 150,000 KB. The part is larger than the build plate / volume of the UM3 Ext when it did finally open, so it cannot be sliced. Try posting the the native STL file and I'll give it another try.
What printer do you have Cura set for?
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