Thinking about it some more, I would imagine that Ultimaker's Cura should make a reasonable job of your print if you use a line width of about 0.2mm and enable spiralization. You also need to set the number of bottom layers to 0 so that the spiralization starts from the very bottom.
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burtoogle 516
Hello @Robh. The walls are very thin and that is a problem for the standard wall printing mechanism that Cura uses. I had to reduce the line width to around 0.25 to get it to produce walls. The problem then is that because Cura always prints walls like this as two lines (the inside of the wall and the outside) you will probably end up with overextrusion. You can enable the wall overlap compensation to help it cope but, very likely, the result will be ugly.
The alternative is to enable the print thin walls option but that may not give great results either as the implementation that Ultimaker Cura provides has some problems. If you are using Windows or Linux you could try one of my Cura builds that feature a different implementation of the thin walls feature and it may give better results. Here's the layer view I see when the thin walls feature is enabled (IMHO, it looks OK)...
My Cura releases also feature some improvements to the spiralization and that does give quite nice looking results as you an see here...
If you wish to try my Cura builds they can be installed alongside the Ultimaker releases without conflicting. They can be found at
Hope this helps!
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