The most important thing about PLA is the heat generated from friction. cutting a thread means you need to go suuuuuper slow, clean out the debris frequently, and check the tool temperature with your finger tips: if it is uncomfortable to touch, it gets too hot for PLA, which gets soft at 80C, and you can't cut into soft plastics.
I think you're talking about drilling the holes with a tool, right? I'm going to create them directly in the design and use self-cutting screws, so there should be no problem.
Thank you!
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joergen 2
PLA is really tough material, far from brittle as you described, and can be used with screws easily... I routinely make objects that use standard tripod mount screws (1/4in and 3/8in), and I have not seen a failure. smaller/finer threads are a bit more delicate by nature (i.e. M3) and should not be over-tightened. self-cutting screws should also not over-tightened.
The most important thing about PLA is the heat generated from friction. cutting a thread means you need to go suuuuuper slow, clean out the debris frequently, and check the tool temperature with your finger tips: if it is uncomfortable to touch, it gets too hot for PLA, which gets soft at 80C, and you can't cut into soft plastics.
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