Hi Link
Thanks for the feedback
I used the wording "solid infill" as in Simplify 3D, but it is bottom and top layers in Cura wording.
I'm printing with a 60% infill in the current case.
I do confirm that I have the exact same parameters in the both profiles and Cura 4,2,1 behaves differently. So it is a bug.
I checked every single parameter which is not hardware related.
On the UM3 it combs within the infill, with no retraction
On the S5, it is like setting the combing parameter to "Off" or so.
I have attached the files for each printer.
Also I would like to comb within the infill (including the solid infill) and not in skin, which the parameter "Within Infill" does well on the UM3.
My post is to point out the discrepancy between the two behaviors. Note that if it is an non Ultimaker printer (I have a Mankati XT Plus) it behaves like on the S5.
I understand there might be a workaround with the "Not in skin" parameter, but if you look at the path generated, it overlaps the infill perimeter, which creates additional travel. See screenshot.
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Link 34
Do you really mean infil or bottom layers ?, I do you have infil set to 100% ? If not you are looking at bottom layers.
I very much doubt there is a bug as you describe. Likely you have a setting difference between the two profiles. Set combing to not in skin (I think you are talking about the bottom layers, not the infil) bottom layers are classed as skin, so you want not in skin.
Also check things like 'retract at layer change' that would well be on in the profile where it's doing the extra retract.
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