You know I'm really sorry. I stumbled on this site on the way out the door today and didn't read into the jest of things. My sincere apologies. Have a great Thanksgiving day.
You know I'm really sorry. I stumbled on this site on the way out the door today and didn't read into the jest of things. My sincere apologies. Have a great Thanksgiving day.
No need to apology or say sorry, maybe there is someone who knows an answer and can help.
I was just interested why, nothing more 🙂
Personally I have no experience with the Ender 3 or S3D, but maybe someone else has an idea, so don't give up 🙂
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Smithy 1,146
Please don't misunderstand, we really help everyone here, but I would be personally interested in how to get to the Ultimaker forum if you don't have an Ultimaker printer and don't use Cura as software? 🙂
Not that we don't want to help you, if someone has an answer, he'll write it, but I think you'll get a solution in the S3D or Ender forum sooner.
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