many thanks, that's very kind of you. Have just sent the file
As I just explained in my email back to Mark, for some reason there's a weird segment in the skirt, where the gcode suddenly blobs out an extra 200mm³ in one spot (remember: this is UM2, so E coords are mm³, not mm of filament), and then carries on as if nothing had happened:
I tried slicing his STL in 13.10 and couldn't reproduce it. So either, it's something about his version/settings that i didn't hit, or the file got corrupted somehow, I guess. Can't say I've ever seen this before.
Many thanks for your help on this. For info, I tried removing CURA and then re installed it. Now when I look at that line, it is normal. Looks like I may have had a problem with the initial install of CURA.
Had not altered settings since I installed the software and the only thing I can think of is I had a previous older version installed although notice that was installed in a different directory.
Very odd, especially as this was the first file I have had a problem with. Gremlins I guess
Good thing is im learning quite a bit now, first time I have looked at the code. Still very much a dark art at the moment but its a start
Thanks again illuminarti
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illuminarti 18
Generally speaking, Repetier Host is a pretty good tool for visualizing gcode, but I don't think it really understands the new type of gcode that Cura generates for UM2's now. Particularly the convention of giving extrusion amounts in mm³, not mm of feed.
If you'd like to post the gcode somewhere, or, I'd be happy to take a look.
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