BTW, an obvious simple tweak would be to make the bottom of that diagonal strut a little higher (say, a couple of layers thick) than the other struts that go NS and EW. That way, those NS, EW struts will already be there when the diagonal is started so its ends should attach OK.
I have modified my Cura to extend the bridge wall lines when they end above air. Here's the relevant layer from your model...
I am just printing a sample of that and it looks OK so I will put this new capability into my next Cura release.
You can find my releases at
Please read the file there for more info.
Great! Thank you for hopping on this. I will update the thread once I print with these settings and see if this resolves the issue.
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burtoogle 516
Hi, I worked on the Cura bridging and would like to help. Can you please attach that small model to this thread so I can play with it! Thanks.
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